International Airport secured

International Airport secured

Last night’s federal budget saw $55 million secured for the new international terminal at Newcastle Airport. This is great news for the Hunter.

With the international airport right on the doorstep of the Williamtown Aerospace Centre (WAC), it is only expected that the opportunities for businesses moving into the future will increase. Aside from the obvious tourism benefits for the city of Newcastle, Port Stephens, the Hunter Valley and surrounds, the upgrade and extension of the Newcastle International Airport provides opportunities for companies to connect with and undertake business in Asia-Pacific markets.?

While there aren’t necessarily immediate benefits for the Defence industry, the International Airport allows the industry to visualise growth opportunities and plan for future aspirations. For Milskil, this could be anything from training and development opportunities to deployment capabilities, and building and strengthening connections with international stakeholders.??

For the last five years, being a part of the Milskil team has meant turning up to work at the Williamtown Aerospace Centre (WAC), Newcastle’s national, award-winning, industry-focused facility. Occupancy at the WAC has positioned Milskil, among many local and site-specific organisations at the leading edge of aerospace, defence technology and aviation development.?

For Milskil, the WAC is headquarters; it’s home. Our organisation focuses heavily on air warfare, and with the heads of our clients also present in this space, the Aerospace Centre really is the ideal location for our head office.

For many occupants, the Williamtown Aerospace Centre is the prime project-related facility, enabling companies to carry out their projects in an environment that is situationally and structurally suitable. Regardless, this facility provides a number of benefits to all its tenants and their stakeholders.

Benefits of tenancy in the Williamtown Aerospace Centre

One of the greatest benefits of tenancy with the WAC is the convenience of travelling for interstate, work-related commitments given our proximity to the airport. From meetings to site visits, training and in-person appearances, the ease and access to Newcastle airport has enabled these commitments to be met seamlessly.?

This is a perk that is also passed on to Milskil’s stakeholders, travelling from Canberra and other interstate locations for routine work. Stopping by head office is simple, increases company-wide communication and the opportunity to build relationships.?

Considering the nature of work carried out by Milskil, it is both extremely important and beneficial to maintain relationships and have opportunities to connect with industry leadership and Defence Seniors. Within this industry, in-person connections are invaluable and cannot be substituted with online video calls and emails. While this may be an unpopular opinion, and the majority of the world are transitioning to remote working conditions, the relationship building opportunities that are presented through face-to-face interactions cannot be replaced. As the WAC is a hub for the Defence and Aviation industry, companies like Milskil are able to achieve these more regular interactions with more convenience than ever before.?


