Internal Recruitment....Win Win

Organization invest so much time, efforts and money in hiring and upskill its employee. Similarly employee earn vintage and credibility during his stay with the company. Hence it becomes very important for both to have longer association. While companies use many tools in driving retention efforts, IR is the one which is used more commonly now.

Internal Recruitment (IR) is a process / option given by company to their employees in case they are looking for change. Company assist employee in finding suitable opportunity within the organization which works as a win win for both i.e. company and employee. Employee get whatever he is looking for and company is successful in retaining talent. If this tool is used effectively i.e. in spirit along with having strong policy around this, it can do wonders. There are many big sized companies are successfully running this practice. Lets see how it helps in controlling attrition

Human behavior is dynamic and so is his / her need which keep changing during various stages of their career and other factors like experience level, personal situations e.g. working spouse, joint family, kids age etc. Though employees leave their companies because of n number of reasons, here are few common ones. 

  • Monetary
  • Vertical Growth
  • Horizontal Growth
  • Alignment issues with Supervisor
  • Higher Studies
  • Bored with doing same work
  • Work Life Balance
  • Location change

Internal Recruitment helps resolve majority of the above. Monetary and Higher studies are exceptions though but many big size companies are resolving these two as well. Companies do tie up with well known Institutes / Universities to run their courses in company's offices itself and also offer reimbursement of large %ge of fees to employees after completion of the same. Employee upgrade himself / herself while earning in parallel. Thus it helps him growing vertically in the same organization adding more money and expanded role to his kitty as well.

Rest of the above are taken care by Internal Recruitment. Following points can help making it a success:

  1. Tool having live database of all available resources and openings along with details around desired / available skill sets
  2. Effective exception management i.e. external hiring vs. internal hiring
  3. Leaders' acceptance in Spirit
  4. Cross functional / domain acceptance (IT to Finance, Finance to HR etc.)
  5. Ensuring no impact on Business as well as on vertical growth of employee due to role change 
  6. Documented policy
  7. Standardized approach / process to be followed across group companies / locations / businesses with noted exceptions if any

While it acts as a tool to reduce attrition, it also helps business improvements as employee implement best practices learned in previous assignments. 


Customer Leader at Tata Consultancy Services & Business Analyst Automation Anywhere || Ex-Accenture || Ex-Genpact

7 年

True to be win win when it's considered at a overall company level but it gets limited when looked from location point of view

Praveen Arora

F&A Transformation

7 年

Thanks to all of you for reading this article



