Internal hiring vs agency recruitment?
Joe Bignell
Sales and Engagement at Vention | One of the biggest killers of companies is premature scale
I forget how many articles I've read, opinions I've heard and rejections I've had based on this topic.
There's no doubt that there are benefits to both sides, even if agency is better.
But honestly over the years the rise of the internal recruiter has been extraordinary. And not just the recruiter, entire teams have been put in place in the hope of reducing recruitment spend. Or at least that's why I think it's been put in place. Could be because of sour experiences with an agency or a number of other reasons.
You'd expect someone from the agency side to usually specialise in a niche market, for the sake of this post let's assume contract DevOps ??
Coffee meetings, tech meetups, conferences and building relationships over time are all a part of an agency recruiter’s weekly diary. Job boards and ads can no longer be relied upon like before and yet the same copy/pasted specs still fill our monitors.
The days of a 'generalist' recruiter are numbered in my opinion, take it from someone who found that out the hard way.
As an agency recruiter I do have to appreciate the role of the in-house team; as well as finding and screening the talent there's the HR function to manage, the line manager relationship to keep, the candidate on boarding etc.
I guess what I’m trying to say is the best solution would be for both sides to work together and utilise each other’s strengths. The agency provide the talent from their vertical markets, candidates who they’ve met and have a personal buy-in with and make the introduction and the internal team sell the company profile and culture to the candidate. Let’s be honest, an agency recruiter is never going to be able to capture the organisations ethos and working environment like an in house recruiter who works there every day. Just like an internal wouldn’t have the time to build up a relationship with the best talent like an agency recruiter would.
Yes there are agency fees involved but you also pay the service charge when booking a flight to go abroad because you “need” that sun, in the same way you need that DevOps or Java specialist.
It’s time vs money I guess.
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