Internal to External Saga #3145

Internal to External Saga #3145

Skin breakouts, which have been avoided for most of a year, are showing themselves again on my left arm. First I got two “burns” i thought from making eggs and the oil popped because the fork may have had droplets of water on it. To skin I say: What is Niamo holding there. What is the emotion being held there that wants me to wake up. Health is always “unhandled energy” revealed through body parts. Key is to find out what the message is and take heed to it. At least explore it. “Tell me all your body aches and pains,” Christie Marie Sheldon tells clients, and she “can clear their stuff through that.” How to do it for self? "Awareness comes in after a few seconds, not longer than 3 seconds. True awareness comes in immediately-- Ask and you shall receive —this is what this Bible verse is really about. Most of us don’t want to be here because the body doesn’t contain everything we are.” This last quote is really a paraphrase of her introductory messages.

So it got me to thinking about what gets under my skin and this shifted to Arthur and what gets under his skin. Every so often he goes into a diatribe about deception and deceptive people and how he doesn’t have time for them. At least once a week if not twice, he shares a story of how people say one thing and then their actions prove they are something else. I have to remind him to put the best construction on situations, including those that describe how I don’t live up to what I said I wanted to do. I have begun to hang up on him when he starts these rants because I know he is frustrated and it saps my energy to stay with him in these pressurized places. It’s as if he cannot be reminded of the silver lining, the gold in “them there hills” (baby boomer phrase) because these possibilities are too remote in the moment. Then when he gets a whiff of what God is giving him, an opportunity to Be With What Is and grow, he does an about-face and slowly begins to reflect my speech pattern of gaining wisdom, using knowledge, leaning not to understand (his fave biblical quote) but embracing what-is as what’s-so, a condition that can’t be other than what it is. But to get to this point is work, with him as my most beloved “client,” from whom I am always learning new dimensions of the world. 

An example is the young man from Europe who promised the moon, took $600 (of my $$ I might add, knowing all comes from God), and Arthur rants about how people are and how he "doesn’t have time for it." Instead, because I was standing in the space of expansion and infinity, I suggested the man’s mother may have passed or something happened that he couldn’t get back to us in a timely manner, to put the best construction on the the issue. So much can happen we’re not aware of and we frequently go to the negative possibility instead of the one that offers the most light love and joy. Arthur rejected what I said, giving it up to “Me don’t have time for that.” As if that relationship is said and done. Needless to say, because I kept holding the space that something was amiss that still could turn out well, life took that precise turn, to show him this is true. He called back maybe a half hour later in total surprise and laughing gleefully—the young man called him right after we were talking about him, and suggested they keep going and he’s going to do this and that to sell the product. Not a word about the major meeting scheduled on the last day they communicated, but positive nonetheless.

So I wait to hear what it all means as I continue to occupy the space Allah Alone has given me through my contacts and my beloved teachers and mentors. In this case, I was listening to Natalie Ledwell and Christie, with Christie leading us through a wonderful meditation that brought me to my Self Aligned with God Alone SAGA—the real saga of our lives. And God the Most High just gave me another term for the HealMobile journey besides VOYAGE. Now I have SAGA. And just now, ODYSSEY comes to mind.

What if we kept the wonder these words bring to mind as we went about each day of our lives, in expectation and in reception of the miracle life is? Too many to count—miracles, blessings, mercies. Continuous reasons to give thanks.

All of this occurs vice-versa. With me being the adamant one ranting and him being the reminder bringing the message. This is our harmonious, balancing message and expression of the “unity of opposites.”

I applied on the soles of the feet 4 hours earlier: Surrender(tm) by YLEO, a blend of lavender, lemon peel, black spruce, Roman chamomile, angelica, mountain savory and German chamomile essential oils.


I was in the garden yesterday too close to the poison ivy. That could be the reason for the breakout rash on the left forearm, especially since my carpal-pained left thumb and slightly painful node under my left underarm, which occurred in the past 2-3 days, have reduced to little-to-nothing. Since I am right-handed, my left hand is the energy powerhouse normally, so these are signs of depletion. My purposeful, daily reiki body-work subsided for about one week, and the body let me know it needs my attention. (Doesn’t mean I still wouldn’t have poison ivy rash breakout! The skin is a wonderful sieve for unwanted toxins to exit from the body.)


Loving Living Archives File #2007… Me to 12yo grandson—Want to come visit a friend in the hospital with me? Grandson: “Hospital—I don’t want to go to the hospital. That’s where the most traumatizing thing happened to me.” What was that, I ask. “Birth,” he says. HAH. Yes, I know. Pretty much every dissonant, disagreeable, injurious occurrence can be traced to this event. How many of us are still 12 year-olds declaring platitudes despite not having lived life? 


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