The Internal Cure
Matthew Gale
What is a title for an experience only I can say for myself. To sum up what I can do, with a title for another person to achieve, would allow for only my name to be forgotten to other people, of what I can do.
Today I have been thinking of how to influence a psychiatric professional to consider my observations for testing. I do not have any medical training, nor have been influenced by it either. Despite the normal ability of those with such expertise, what I had concluded is that while I resided in the Minnesota State hospital system, I had the opportunity to share the exact living situation with the patients, as I was one of them. With the barriers of authority removed, many were a little more honest with me and open to sharing their experience. So over the course of several types of settings, and asking the many people involved, while dealing with my own issue. I found that all people who hear what is considered auditory hallucinations, were hearing the exact same template/format of response or internal communications. It is a simple military style drill instruction approach, and is used to allow the person to grow and stabilize a persons mental, and physical characteristics, while also creating a solidarity in confidence that is much needed in their lives. This being witnessed as I provided my thoughts and ideas with the others, in addition to my own experience as I dealt with it. How I stumbled into this was the cultural approach of my ancestral Ojibwe culture. The month prior to the ceremonial sweat lodge, I had questioned whether I was dealing with addictions like others. The authoritve positions such as probation and the courts had bombarded me as well as the societal influence of judgement that is consistent to say that it is an individual choice and problem, rather than how I had always seen things as a community issue, and a national problem. For why is it so available, and increasingly just turned away from as if to not see, and not involve themselves from not allowing it without saying something wherever they may have the indication of it being used. So I had taken a traditional medicine bag, and filled it with Methamphetamine, Marijuana, tobacco, Cedar, and a few other small personal items that my dad had left after he had died a few years before. Although I had the medicine bag around my neck for the entire month, and going a period of 3 - 4 days without the use of any of the substances within the medicine bag periodically. When it came down to the ceremonial sweat lodge, the contents of the medicine bag was still untouched. What I experience today is a continual relationship/experience that is the reality of having a personal relationship with Gitchii Mah Ni Doo, or what the Biblical influence would compare to as Isa (Jesus). Why I continued this internal communication and did not share my entire experience with hospital staff is not due to any ones instruction but my own, and I find that the very fact that someone in a vulnerable position, especially with the forced approach used by the courts and health and human services, is flawed due to the subtle process for placement and then living in these observational hospital settings, for it creates more trauma and panic when the isolation starts, and control is sacrificed due to overwhelming force of the State hospital system. The authoritive approach of I am correct and you are not, maintains that a patient feel helpless to share their own personal view and is even indirectly supported then to not share as much, or to allow the issue to just be handled by clinical professionals prescribing neuroleptic prescription medications, and either by force of the Jarvis Order that the Minnesota State court system utilizes to allow hospital staff the ability to force the patient to use the medications without consent, and by injection if need be if non-voluntary compliance is not established. This is the internal cure for development of an entire persons full ability as their self in this life. So although people come from the various influences and times throughout human history. No life on earth has ever required the creations of man to sustain itself, and in the estimated 600,000 years of human development, only since 1977 has their been much prescription influence toward mankind. To support the individual with the development of this gift of internal communication and understanding would be a miraculous breakthrough towards this field of medicine, and allows the person only to increase in their ability and entirety of their own self image and confidence. If you can help, please do as I am working diligently toward helping people to understand what it is I have come to know, thank you for reading and please feel free to share this information with anyone you may think will help.