Intermittent fasting and reduction of belly fat does it work?

Intermittent fasting and reduction of belly fat does it work?

Have you heard of dry fasting, wet fasting or intermittent fasting? How about the more popular version of fasting the 5:2 diet? Fasting is very popular in our culture for weight loss and it has been honoured and respected form of cleansing and devotion for many cultures, religions and of course exercise disciplines like yoga for centuries. Fasting is reputed to increase brain function, lift depression, increase metabolism and digestion and offer a life-changing experience for those following it with a spiritual practice. I have to give it a go – how about you? This blog will work through the pros and cons of fasting and outline a gently way forward.

Fasting is a century-old tradition practised by many cultures for both spiritual and physical cleansing purposes. In our modern society, one of the most commonplace uses of intermittent fasting is to lose weight and as the pressures of daily life increase, a quick solution is very appealing. Let’s outline a few advantages and ‘need to know’s before you embark.

My biggest fear with fasting is that I will get faint, light headed and talk rubbish whilst presenting. Your brain runs on glucose and you only burn triglycerides in the muscles when you are resting. Because fasting can elevate cortisol levels. One of cortisol’s effects is that it raises blood sugar. So, in someone with blood sugar regulation issues, fasting can actually make them worse.

In resting muscle, fatty acids are the major fuel, meeting 85% of the energy needs.*

Personally, I have felt very unsure of fasting and the popular 5:2 diet, I love to exercise I love the clarity of my mind when I exercise I don’t want to impede or feel faint when I exercise. Exercise-induced hypoglycaemia is a risk factor when fasting so look out for the symptoms.

Fasting and hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia is defined as a state of depleted glucose in the blood, and since your brain runs on glucose you need to prevent a crash. Eat enough to provide the energy to supply your brain and nervous system with the nutrition they require, but this becomes more complicated by the toll that exercises can take on your body whilst fasting.

Look out for someone experiencing low blood sugar:

  1. A rapid heartbeat
  2. Feeling of anxiousness
  3. Continue to perspire even after exercise
  4. Become shaky
  5. Dizziness
  6. Headaches
  7. Difficult to concentrate

It is important, therefore, to avoid over-exercising and fuel up before excessive exercise with complex carbohydrates that slowly convert into glucose. After eating glucose you absorb is stored as an energy source within the cells of your muscles and your liver. Physical effort, external cold, worry and strong emotions increase the rate with which the body’s reserves are utilized

Bearing that in mind and scheduling your fasting around your exercise days and with a mummy tummy to think about and menopause looming let’s investigate the process further.

Intermittent Fasting the science

Diving into the science of fasting you learn very quickly the advantages when you go without food for a short time, your body diverts energy away from digesting food to cellular repair and the removal of waste material and toxins.


A process that is known as autophagy. By boosting your body’s autophagy process through intermittent fasting, you dampen inflammation, enhance biological function and slow down the ageing process.


In addition, intermittent fasting also results in a process called apoptosis where your body rids itself of old, unhealthy cells, and replaces them with new ones.

Body fat reduction

Body fat reduction hormone produced in abundance while fasting is human growth hormone. (HGH) Human growth hormone increases as much as 5 times during intermittent fasting. The higher your levels of HGH the easier it is to burn fat and maintain lean muscle mass.

Regulate insulin

Intermittent fasting will result in a considerable effect on fat loss. Not only is this due to higher levels of human growth hormone, but because of the decrease in insulin (insulin regulates your blood sugars) and the corresponding increase in norepinephrine – the main neurotransmitter produced by the sympathetic nervous system. This cocktail of hormones initiates the breakdown of stored body fat and uses it as an energy source.

This subsequently increases your metabolism (the rate at which you burn calories) and studies show this can vary from 3.6% at the low end, to an amazing 14% at the high end!

Reduction in belly fat

The research indicates that a large percentage of the weight lost from intermittent fasting comes from stored belly fat.

Belly fat is visceral fat which is encased around your internal organs. It is the kind of fat that is associated with insulin resistance, diabetes and heart disease.

Improved brain function

Some studies demonstrate that intermittent fasting can increase the growth of new neurons and increase brain function – a phenomenon known as “neuroplasticity” and increase cognitive function increases levels of a brain hormone called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a deficiency which is associated with higher rates of depression, learning difficulties and memory loss.

Sounds amazing I’m in…..

Let’s be clear about fasting vrs starving.

Fasting is an absolutely different thing from starvation. One is beneficial; the other harmful. One is valuable and is a therapeutic measure based on resting your digestive process for a while.

Fasting is a rest – a physiological vacation

Abstaining from all food except water until these food reserves are consumed, is fasting. Abstaining from food after these food reserves have been consumed, is starving.

“A little starvation can really do more for the average sick man than can the best of medicines and the best of doctors. I do not mean a restricted diet, I mean total abstinence from food for one or two days. I speak from experience; starvation has been my cold and fever doctor for fifteen years, and has accomplished a cure in all instances.”  Mark Twain

Fasting in animals

Wounded animals have been known to fast when recovering from injury and illness.

Serious sickness prompts animals to fast they are guided by an instinct to limit their intake of food if they are sick or injured.

And of course, all animals adapt themselves to the winter seasons and hibernation. The ability of an animal to fast, even for long periods, under many and varied conditions and circumstances of life, is a vitally important factor in survival. It is nature’s best-established method of dealing with certain physiological and biological problems.

Fasting allows the body to adjust and adapt and allow the body to heal.

Intermittent Fasting summarised advantages

  1. Improved digestion and metabolism
  2. Increase your body’s ability to detox
  3. Help your cells remove waste
  4. Increase energy
  5. Limit inflammation and oxidation in your body
  6. Prevent neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s’ (reputed to be Diabetes 3)
  7. The life-changing spiritual experience apparently Experiencing the higher chakras in meditative states is easy when your body is empty

Types of fasting – which one suits you?

  • 16/8 Intermittent Fasting – dieters don’t eat anything for 16 hours and then eat within an eight-hour eating window – sometimes referred to as 16/8 fasting. Most people eat their last meal of the day around 8pm and then fast through the night and morning until 1pm. For the maximum fat-burning benefit, some people choose to workout around 11am or noon.
  • Eat Fast Eat cutting out a day of eating every once in a while, you will be restricting your overall calorie levels, even if your daily eating habits remain unchanged. High level of self-control is required and the concern of hangry.
  • Dry Fast – is a form of fasting that is done without food or water. A soft dry fast includes showering and brushing teeth while an absolute dry fast (or black fast) is done without contact to any water.
  • Wet Fast –Drink water, but take no food.
  • 5:2 diet: Michael Mosley diet allows you to eat normally for five days out of the week, and to eat only 500-600 calories on two non-consecutive days. There are no eating requirements

Is Intermittent Fasting safe for women?

Some evidence that IF is not as beneficial for women, it may worsen your control of blood sugar level.

Personally, I believe this may be down to your body type. If you are Ectomorph (think Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Moss, Cameron Diaz) who can tolerate a lot of carbs, in fact need carbs and therefore glucose to feel energised you are going to struggle with an Intermittent Fasting schedule. Your body works better with carbs.

If like me you are more of a Mesomorph who has a symmetrical build, wide shoulders large musculatures like Halle Berry, Madonna and Jessica Alba or an

Endomorph think Kim Kardashian, Beyonce and J-Lo who have a high fat to muscle creation with a round body shape and hold fat on hips and things

These two types of body shape are more likely to favour an intermittent fasting routine.

How to get started

1. Try it out once a week or once a month

2. Monitor your evening meal and have breakfast at

3. Not all calories are equal, nutrition is so important.

4. My advice is don’t start this unless your diet has the right macros in it, to begin with.

5. If you are eating cereal, toast, sandwiches and evening meal pasta, you are on a high sugar diet and you will go into sugar withdrawal and hypoglycemia.

Get your nutrition right FIRST then play with the intuitive eating.

Would you like to get your nutrition right?. Book a time that suits to chat You will come away from our conversation feeling inspired, motivated and ready to grab life and deal with whatever it throws you, I guarantee. Whether you decide to work with me or not you will become very clear in your goals and have a clear awareness of where you need and want to go.  Let’s chat – click here to book your time

Get Gorgeous is a journey together – yours and mine.

Jill Gill

Account Manager at Hawksmoor Investment Management

6 年

Thanks Adele - very interesting!! xx


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