Interior Designers - If You MUST Be On Social Media, Tell A Story!

Interior Designers - If You MUST Be On Social Media, Tell A Story!

If You MUST Be On Social Media, Tell A Story!

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Interior Designers - We were taught how to use social media, wrong.

In this blog, we will explore the significance of storytelling through social media, drawing inspiration from the success of HGTV shows and how you can get social media right! Get ready to revolutionize your brand and take your interior design journey to new heights!

First off, let's set the record straight...

Your design business does NOT NEED to be on social media.

A "like" or a "Heart" from a random person on the other side of the planet will never grow or impact your design business.

The truth is, the reason you are on social media AT ALL, is because marketing companies benefit from selling you marketing services. They tell you that you MUST do this, or you MUST do that. So, you give it a try, and when it becomes too hard, or you fail at it...You hire them. It's a simple strategy on their part.

The fact is, you would get more business by putting up a $20 yard sign in front of your existing projects, and gain repeat business within neighborhoods that you are already familiar with and who are already paying you. But that is covered in another blog (Why Interior Designers Shouldn't Ignore Yard Signs: Debunking 5 Myths )

If you MUST be on social media...You should be "telling a story".

If you were to pull up 99.999% of Interior Designer social media accounts, what you will find is:

1. Professionally photographed finished product images

2. Trending "TikTok" posts

3. Weird videos of the designers face, awkwardly in screen while giving a walk thru

4. Close up images of staged compositions

5. Drunken photos and videos of their personal life

So, here's a question...

Why does ANY of that matter to your client? What have they learned from scrolling through your social media feed by watching that type of content?

Now, let's take a look at the typical show format for an HGTV, BRAVO, Design Network or Magnolia design television episode...

1. Each show starts with a highlight about the home owner - They give us context and a person that we can relate to (better if there is a heart felt story to go along with it).

2. They highlight the personality of the designer - They frame the designer as our host and guide, introducing us to the client and the project.

3. Overview of the project - The designer shares an overview of the project, identifying the clients needs and wishes, and foreshadows some of the design intent and insights into their design thinking...READ MORE

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