Interesting Thingamabobs
Is LinkedIn the best place for this? Maybe not. I've nothing to market to you. I didn't recently win an award, get a new certificate, no life lessons, quotes...not even a good meme.
This is just a list of random subjects and things I've found intriguing enough to drop a bit of time into. Hope being that someone else finds a spark of interest amongst the following.
TinkerCAD, specifically for being able to do 3D modeling and jump into basic electronics (under “circuits”) as well as write code for the microcontrollers if you feel inclined. There are other simulators out there but this one is all web based and easy to use.?Also a plus, no burning your fingies on a hot soldering iron.
Building a Cloud Chamber (DIY detect ionized radiation)
DIY sites
Scale of the Universe (ver 2, the 1st was built in Flash, R.I.P. ?)
Chaos Theory (a playlist)
Chaos: Making a New Science (Book)
Science of Secrecy, also as a book by the same name.
Genius of George Boole (Documentary: the mathematician behind boolean logic)?
The Bit Player ( Documentary of Claude Shannon "the father of Information Theory" )
The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood (currently reading),_a_Theory,_a_Flood?
Intro to Math in Cryptography (by an amazing teacher)
Hack the Box (online platform for capture the flag challenges,"CTF" in cybersecurity)
Try Hack Me (Learn fundamentals for CTF challenges)
WolframAlpha (so many things)
“Fun to Imagine” ( Documentary physics w/ Richard Feynman )
“Surely You are Joking Mr. Feynman!” (a book highly recommend)
Algorithm Visualizer a collection of classic algorithms for problem solving in Computer Science.
Things to Wikipedia: ?
May you find an interesting rabbit hole and let your mind go for a stroll.