Interesting one!
Ganesh Godiyal
Sr. Manager I Resource Mobilization I CSR Partnerships I Donor Relations Management I Social Partnership I Social Work
Dear friend,
A very warm greetings!
I would like you to click on the shared link once, which is really interesting and it might be of your benefit:
Ex. CEO at Action in Community and Training
9 年Incontinuation....... Jobrize Review – Pyramid Scheme Straight Ahead AUGUST 14, 2015 BY AMANDA DEMPSEY LEAVE A COMMENT inShare Name: Jobrize jobrizeOwner: ??? Price: Various Overall Rating: SCAM! If entering a site that showed me that it was unsafe, it’s really impossible for me to move forward. For others, they wouldn’t care. This review should give you the best understanding of what this “opportunity” is about, so that you don’t waste your hard earned money and time. You want to make money. Yes, you do. We ALL want to make money. But do we want to earn it? That is the question we must ask ourselves each time we get curious enough to look up any and all “work from home” jobs. Ultimately, no matter how we want to make money, we should be careful of how we SPEND our money….especially if it is on jobs that promise so much for doing so little. In fact, should you be spending money to work at all? These are the question you should ask yourself, especially when looking at sites such as THE SET UP Well, all you have to do in order to make some extra cash is just get people to click a simple little link! That sounds easy enough, right? Well, if yours was the only link on the internet, maybe, but let’s face it, you are one in a million, and we are not talking in a good way. Depending on how, when, and where you attempt to post, there could be literally hundreds if not thousands of others trying to get the same attention as you. WHAT MAKES IT GO The concept is fairly simple and straightforward. You sign up, you are given a link, then you have to deal with the exact scenario that was just exactly what I described just a few sentences ago. Let me ask a question, and you absolutely do not have to answer out loud, but, be honest…how many friends do you have? No, really, how many? How many family? How many people really know you and would want to help you and work for and with you? Now, take that number, and ask how many of THOSE people would be willing to just randomly pay you say $100 just for the same link you have? Or even 20 people who will pay you even just $5 like the site originally asks? How many? No much? Did not think so. SO WHERE DOES THE MONEY COME FROM? From suckers like you, of course. No, I’m kidding, of course, you’re not a sucker. But, no, really, it does come from poor saps looking to make a buck for little to no work. What they tell you is that they are paying you to bring traffic to their site so that everyone can see it and fawn over it and tell everyone else how amazing their site is. What they DON’T tell you is that their site is nothing more than a big money grabbing link in and of itself. It’s the top of the pyramid. Now something may have just clicked in your brain if it hasn’t already. I know, I heard it from here. jobrize-pyramid-scheme Pyramid scheme? If you don’t know what that is, it’s basically where one person asks a bunch of other people for money and they give it to them in hopes that they will get money back somewhere. That is a basic explanation, but it’s not an exaggeration at all. That really is how it works. The top of the pyramid takes all the money and everyone else tries to get other people to give them money too in hopes that maybe some of that sweet coin will overflow and they can pick them up and make what they perceive to be a profit. Only there is not profit. You are not the top of the pyramid. You will not get paid. THE TRUTH The only thing and sites all over the web just like it can do is make promises they can not keep. They have no guarantee, no system of returns, no system at all! All the and others like them do is sit upon their thrones, asking for more money, and telling you that the more you give them, the richer you will be. But when you ask yourself how that works, it really doesn’t make much sense, does it? How does giving away all of my money to someone else MAKE me any money? This isn’t just some currency exchange or stock trade that could, in theory, turn a profit. This is just a business man, sitting behind a computer, wringing his hands, watching people fall for his plans. Even though the site seems to be legit, if you look closely you notice that, although they use PayPal as a payment service, they have what appears to be little to no online security. In fact, if you notice, the only “security” they claim is what looks to be nothing more than a uncheckable .jpg for a company called “Swift Bank Wire” that appears to have been created in MSPaint sometime back in the mid 90s. Want to email them? Good luck! Turns out [email protected] just could not be bothered to be an actual email account. Shocker, really, but what do you expect from a company who’s tagline is “join. invite. earn.” Join what? Invite who? Earn how much? LAST WORDS If was ever an honest company, they lost their way when they changed their name from In fact, those users on Google Chrome will be treated to (literally) a red flag as a bright red screen will pop up warning of the sites untrusted malware. jobrize-scam My advice? Run. Run far and do not stop. You would do better flipping burgers for minimum wage than to spend a single penny trying to make the unnamed owners of this site any more rich than they already claim to be. You are smart. You are capable. You are no fool. So, avoid pyramid schemes like this one, and remember….if you have to pay to work, you are a customer, not an employee. Take care!
Ex. CEO at Action in Community and Training
9 年In continuation...... The website 'jobrize .com', which claims that you can earn money performing certain tasks and activities that are given to you, is a scam. Do not register with the website or other similar websites like it, because you will only help make the scammers behind these websites get richer, and put yourself at risk when you provide them with your personal information. The website www.jobrize .com is similar to www.CashWeGo .com, www.monthlyyouth .com, www.youth2payment .com and a lot of other fake online job websites. All the scammers did was to change the name of the website and the content. The Fake Internet Job Website www.jobrize .com Jobrize Inc is a large-scale marketing and referral company in the United States of America. It was founded in 2010 and paying its members for doing tasks and activities which are given to them. Join the website and perform your task to get earn. There is no any fee, no any membership fee and no any paid thing. All is free... The main thing is your passion to the completion of task and promote to the friends. If you are student, un-employed, use internet daily ? You use facebook, Google+ or twitter ? YES Then you can earn every month from Jobrize up to 500$ daily Earn 5$ for every link visit / opening by your friend The website should not be trusted because it does not provide a secure connection on its registration page or other sensitive pages, which is used to secure information like your name, address, email and password, when you submit it to them. A secure website starts with "https", instead of the standard unsecured "http". Every legitimate website that deals with personal and financial information must have a secure connection (https://) that is used to protect its users information when it is transmitted over the internet. These scammers will continue to use the same website under different website names. So, if you stumble upon a website looking like the one above, please do not register or take part in any activity on it. The website www.jobrize .com is similar to the following websites: www.CashWeGo .com Fake Internet Job Website - www.monthlyyouth .com Earn 50 to 100 USD Daily Easy From Us Fake Websites Pay4users .com Profitwoop .com Visitprofit .com FixMonthly .com Profitified .com JobTimelyInc .com