Interesting facts related to increasing World Population

Interesting facts related to increasing World Population

The World’s Population Day was declared on 11 July 1989 by the United Nations Development programme and since then it is an annual day for all people of the world to think and come up with new ideas to counter Population Growth. But countries most populous over the globe do not feel pride as this is a critical issue for nations Growth & Development. So this day is declared in order to remember, account and take steps to control the effects that increasing populations lays on country’s economy. Top 5 nations of the world that are facing problems of increasing population are China which contributes to the highest 19.4 % of world’s population, India contributes to by 17.5 % , USA by 4.5 % , Indonesia 3.4 % and Brazil 2.8 %.Out of these countries Brazil has accounted for the greatest rate of increasing population over the years.

? Global Population is increasing at the rate of 1 .1 % every years which accounts to around 80 million people annually.

? Most people in world belong to religion of Christianity: 31%, Islam: 23%, No Religion Affiliation: 16 %, Hindus: 15%, Buddhists: 7%, Folk Religionists 6 %, Other Religion 1% and Jews 0.2 %.     .

? Increase in population demand for more land, food, water, healthcare, sanitation, housing, jobs & energy requirements. Increasing population also causes pollution, health issues and Global Warming. 

? Global population based on gender include 51 % Male and 49 % Female population.

? The combined population of India and China account for 36% of world’s population.

? China One Child Policy: China had imposed a policy of 1 child for 1 parent. But recently they have announced the relaxation in policy to 2 children if 1 parent.

? Countries in major parts of world have started adopting orphan children as measure to control population.

? Governments are educating people about causes of early child marriages and benefits of adopting small families.

?  India to become the youngest country by 2020 as its half of the population is below the age of 35 years.

? 7 billion people over the world are consuming the natural resources that are under threat of fast depletion like water, oil, natural gas, phosphorous, coal, earth elements. 

? If the natural resources are consumed with such a rate earth is expected to be expired within 100 years.

? It is estimated that around half of the world’s population live on less than 2$ a day and over billions of people  are living under poverty.

? Pre-emptive measures to control over population: Using contraceptive pills, reducing infant mortality, one child and 2 child policies, family planning.

? Per Capita Income is also an issue of ever increasing population globally and if increased of an individual then it will reduce population growth.

? China’s population growth is seen as a downfall over the years due to strict policies and implementation on population growth on the other hand India’s population is increasing due to lack of unity among the religious groups and it is expected that India’s population will surpass china’s population by the end of the year 2050.

? In the world Nigeria accounts for the world’s fastest growing population.

? It is also estimated that the world is getting older because the youth are less and older generations above the age of 60 years are still surviving.

? Though there is a downfall in China’s Population but there are still places where people have to live in tiny Apartments and room. Below image featuring micro apartments in Hong Kong.

? Currently Africa and India are among the world’s youngest countries.

? Top 5 least populous countries in the world include Vatican City, Niue, Falkland Islands, Saint Helena and Tokelau.

? As per the United Nations Projection the World Population is expected to reach 10 billion persons by the end on 2056.

? The most populous continent in the Asian Continent with around 4.5 billion people, then come continents like Africa, Europe, North America and South America.

? Experts claim that the Current World’s population in unsustainable because over the years population is going on increasing at an alarming rate without having so much awareness and measure adopted to tackle it.

? The schemes taken by the Indian Government to control population are 1. Declare Child Scheme. 2.DNA test for every Indian3.Vasectomy for Hiding father

? National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM - 200) by the US has enforced few population control programs like legalization of Abortion, Providing Incentives to countries adopting for abortion, sterilization and contraceptives use rates, Indoctrination of Children.

? UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) donated to China around $100 million dollars to control its population growth.

? Few Indian state Governments are providing cash offers to couples to wait 2 years for their first child.

? The Country Romania was facing the problem of Zero Population Growth in the year 1966 and the government banned abortions and contraception. Anyone married or unmarried was made liable to pay a tax of 10-20 % of his / her income in case they are childless. For family having children were giving special allowances and packages and cash rewards by the Romanian Government.

? The United States of America also taken several measures control population like Title X, Eugenics Movement and Sterilization Movement.

SOURCE: Virawoop


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