Interesting Facts About Golang:

Interesting Facts About Golang:

  • Google wanted an alternative to C++ and solves the issues of software engineering, this gives rise to the development of the Go programming language.
  • Go is supported on almost every Operating system like DragonFly BSD, FreeBSD, Linux, macOS, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Plan 9, Solaris, and Windows. 
  • Go provides 2 features that are capable of replacing Class inheritance. The first is embedding and the other is interfaces.
  • Go has garbage collection which automatically performs memory management and permits deferred execution of functions.
  • In Go language, we don’t need to put a comma (, ) at the end of statements like Python.
  • There is a special Keyword in Go called ‘defer‘, which delays the execution of a method or function until the nearby function returns.
  • Go has a special built-in function known as ‘make‘, which is used to create slices, maps, and channels.
  • If any variable or package is declared but not used then, the Go compiler will show an error.
  • In Go, there is a new data type known as ‘slice‘, which has a more powerful interface to sequences as compared to Arrays.
  • Sometimes we want to import packages only for their side effects, without exploiting their use like import _ “net/ http/ pprof”. For this purpose, the Go language is very useful.
  • The ‘Goroutines‘ is a special function in Go, which runs concurrently with other functions or methods. 
  • In order to establish communication between goroutines. There exists a pipe known as ‘Channels‘.
  • Satisfaction with debugging (including debugging concurrency), using modules, and using cloud services. Each of these topics was rated “very” or “critically” important by a majority but significantly lower satisfaction scores compared to other topics.
  • Respondents use Golang in roughly similar ways whether they work at a small tech start-up or a large retail enterprise.



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