Interesting Facts from the World: Surprising Things about Christmas
Timea Balajcza
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Christmas is first and foremost a traditional celebration, and there are many fascinating, somewhat unexpected concepts related to it. Many customs and decorations that make this holiday special have been created in an interesting way and have a surprising origin.
1. “Jingle Bells” was composed for Thanksgiving, not for Christmas. James Lord Pierpont wrote the song in 1857 and published it under the title “One Horse Open Sleigh”.
2. The image of Santa Claus flying in a sleigh was created in 1819. The person who came up with the idea was Washington Irving, the same author who invented the Headless Horseman.
3. Christmas celebration meals are different all over the world. Christmas Eve in Japan is a good day for fried chicken and strawberry shortcake.
4. In 1914, during World War I, there was a famous Christmas truce between the British and the Germans, who were sitting in the trenches. That day they exchanged gifts through a neutral no-man’s-land and played football together.
5. “Christmas” is a shortened form of “Christ’s Mass”, derived from the Medieval English “Cristemasse”, which in turn comes from the Old English “Cristesm?sse”.
6. Franklin Pierce (1853-1857) is considered to be the first president to put a Christmas tree in the White House.
7. Two weeks before Christmas appears to be one of the two most popular break-up periods. An analysis of Facebook posts and statuses has shown that couples tend to break up most often two weeks before Christmas and two weeks after Valentine’s Day.
8. Sinterklaas (the Dutch version of Santa Claus) comes to the Netherlands from Spain and not from the North Pole.
9. American scientists have calculated that in order to deliver all the presents on Christmas Eve, Santa would have to visit 822 houses per second.
10. “Silent Night” was sung for the first time during a service in Austria. The music was played on a guitar because the church organ was too rusty to be used.
11. In Syria, one of the Wise Men’s camels helps to deliver Christmas gifts.
12. In Armenia, a traditional Christmas Eve meal consists of fried fish, lettuce and spinach. Many Armenians fast for a week before Christmas Eve and the holiday dinner menu is quite light in order not to overload their stomachs.
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