If you've read our latest article on working from anywhere and find yourself itching for a new adventure (while you work), we've compiled a step-by-step guide to getting started. Below we've included; questions to ask your employers, things to consider when choosing a destination, and a few packing hints.
- Look into your company's work from home policies. Due to the recent Covid-19 quarantine, many company policies have changed to accommodate working from home. Check and see if your company offers a flexible workplace policy.
- Talk to your direct manager or HR. Be transparent and start a conversation about what you're considering. Ask questions regarding; time zones, financial information, data privacy, VPN, etc. Some companies may allow remote work as long as it is within the United States, while others may not mind your globe-trotting as long as you stay productive!
- Work with your company's preferred Travel Management Company, like TL365. Our advisors will be able to guide you to your perfect destination from a working and experiential perspective. Some things to consider when choosing a place are; wifi stability, privacy (including data), access to weekend escapes, language barriers, cost of living, etc. Also, you have access to extra support through your company's duty of care policy by speaking with an agent and your company management.
- Finalize your destination and pack! Once you know where you're heading, consider what you need to succeed on your trip? Whether investing in a tablet or soundproof headphones, ensuring you have everything you need to work from a train, plane, or automobile is vital to staying productive abroad. Keep an eye out for our list of recommendations on gadgets and tools that make working on the road easier.
- Bonus Tip - Time Management is Key! You don't want to spend your time traveling attached to your phone or tucked away in a hotel lobby. Finding a flow that works for you is essential to making the most of your experience. Remember to find time to unplug and be in the present moment. Schedule an hour before work to explore the local market or take a walk on the beach at sunset. Take full advantage of 'work time' to accomplish what you need to, and spend your free time doing what makes you most excited!