Interested in using insects for aquafeed?
Manna Insect
Comprehensive solutions for profitably upcycling organic waste into animal feed and fertilizer using black soldier fly
Here's the heaviest link package you'll find about using insects, black soldier fly especially, for fish and shrimp feed, a collection of some serious research on the topic;
- Insect feed in sustainable crustacean aquaculture
- A meta-analysis of the effects of replacing fish meals with insect meals on growth performance of fish
- Insects, Food Security, and Sustainable Aquaculture
- Insects in fish diets
- A meta-analysis on the nutritional value of insects in aquafeeds
- Beyond the protein concept: health aspects of using edible insects on animals
- Attitudes towards the use of insect-derived materials in Scottish salmon feeds
- Use of black soldier fly and house fly in feed to promote sustainable poultry production
- Introducing the special issue ‘Application of insect ingredients in sustainable aquaculture’
- Insects as a feed ingredient for fish culture: Status and trends
- Success of Aquaculture Industry with New Insights of Using Insects as Feed: A Review
- Review on the use of insects in the diet of farmed fish: Past and future
- Processed Animal Proteins from Insect and Poultry By-Products in a Fish Meal-Free Diet for Rainbow Trout
- Nutritional value of different insect larvae meals as protein sources for European sea bass juveniles
- Comparative study of growth performance and amino acid catabolism?and the catabolic changes in response to insect meal inclusion in the diet
- Insect-Based Feed Ingredients for Aquaculture: A Case Study for Their Acceptance in Greece
- The use of insect meal as a sustainable feeding alternative in aquaculture: Current situation, Spanish consumers’ perceptions and willingness to pay
- The Introduction of Insect Meal into Fish Diet: The First Economic Analysis on European Sea Bass Farming
- Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) gut microbiota is modulated by insect meal from?Hermetia illucens?prepupae in the diet
- Can Insect-Based Diets Affect Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Reproduction? A Multidisciplinary Study
- The potential of various insect species for use as food for fish
- Nutritional composition of various insects and potential uses as alternative protein sources in animal diets
- Dietary enrichment of edible insects with omega 3 fatty acids
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agro advisory ; animal scientist; monogastric nutrition
1 年Just the best the industry needs well done all for this bright move