Interested to apply for a MSCA postdoc position with us?
In line with our guidelines, I would be happy to support one scholar to apply for a Marie Sk?odowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Kassel.
You PhD needs to be awarded and is allowed to be completed maximum 8 years go. It is a very competitive scheme, so we expect some related publications and activities already. For being eligable, you would need to apply to the support scheme of the University of Kassel before 15th of January 2024. If selected, you would then be invited to Kassel for one week for a MSCA Master Class Preparation Workshop, 15th to 19th of April 2024.
The MSCA postdoctoral fellowship run for a minimum of 2 years. Details on eligability are outlined in the link. Please check this carefully!
Please be aware that it would be very challenging to secure a long-term job in Germany afterwards, as recently again summed up in this DAAD report!
Before you might be in touch with me: Please consider, how your research both in theory and method would fit into our team or enhance the knowledge in our team. Please get informally in touch, but be not disappointed as I would only be allowed to support one person!
Last, why this picture? Well, you need a lot of energy to keep going, both going up a mountain by bike, but also as postdoc.
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