Interdependence Makes Our Businesses Better
Andrew Frazier Jr., MBA, CFA
I help business owners Sell More, Maximize Profit, and Finance Growth by empowering them to Master Business Growth and Scale using my proven, proprietary Masterpreneur Playbook Framework.
"Interdependent people combine their own efforts with the efforts of others to achieve their greatest success."
Steven Covey
Interdependence can be defined as the relationship between two or more parties that depend on each other for survival. Every part needs to contribute something to the other party to survive.
You cannot be whole until you realize that you are neither dependent on nor independent of others because we are all interconnected. Seeing yourself through the lens of interdependence will better equip you to solve problems of every level. I talked with John Kirksey about How Interdependence can Make Us Better.
We discussed how we are all connected in an interdependent world, so leaders need to be culturally intelligent. We also chatted about the importance of paying things forward and being the change that we want to see. In addition, we discussed strategies for organizational change management by exploring examples of the successful merger of different cultures.
John R. Kirksey has advised a broad cross-section of the Fortune and Global 100 and 500 in the United States, Europe and Asia, and Latin America. He has been an advisor to major universities, federal and state government agencies, and to corporations in entertainment and media, financial services, advertising, manufacturing, consumer products, pharmaceuticals, electronics, and health services. His observations have been cited in professional journals and national media, including the American Management Association’s Management Review Magazine, Gannett Newspapers, and BNA. In addition, John's new book "Hope Lives Between Us: How Interdependence Improves Your Life and Our World" is an Amazon Best Seller.
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