Intercessors: Specials Ops Team of God’s Kingdom
The U.S. Military, unknown to many, has many special ops divisions. The Army Branch has the Rangers, Night Stalkers, and Green Berets. The Marines and Navy respectively have the Raiders, Force RECON, and SEAL teams. The SEAL team, being the Elite force of the Navy, is probably the most recognized followed by the Green Berets. The Air Force has the Pararescue men, combat controllers, and weathermen. Each of these represent an elite force within the different military branches (Military One Source, 2020). 1 In God’s Kingdom, we are all part of the branch of Jesus Christ, and his Special Ops team are the Intercessors.
What is an intercessor? A person who intercedes. What does intercede mean? According to Webster, therefore our mainstream understanding, is to intervene between parties with a view to reconciling differences: mediate (Merriam-Webster, n.a.). 2 An important distinction is noted by, defining intercede as, “to act or interpose in behalf of someone in difficulty or trouble, as by pleading or petition: to intercede with the governor for a condemned man.” And also “to attempt to reconcile differences between two people or groups; mediate” (, n.a.). 3 Now that we have defined the terms according to mainstream understanding, a clear parallel can be identified. As believers we act, intervene, or interpose on behalf of humanity to God through Jesus Christ. Therefore, what is intercession according to the Word of God?
Intercession appears in the Word of God, 9 total times in an interesting pattern. The first verse is in Isaiah 53:12, Jesus is foreshadowed and prophesied to His first coming, and in this verse the prophet states, Jesus “made intercession for the transgressors” (KJV). In Jeremiah 3 times, 7:16, 27:18, and 36:25 we see how God dictates to us who to intercede for, when to intercede, who is to intercede, and the difference of intercession directed to man versus intercession directed to God (KJV). In the rest of the Old Testament, the word intercession does not appear. The next time is in Romans 8, 3 times, in verses 26, 27, 34. In these verses, Paul is writing how the Holy Spirit makes intercession to God on our behalf and how we will make groans and noises which can’t be uttered. The One who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because the Holy Spirit makes intercession according to the will of God. Rounding off Romans 8 in the same manner as Isaiah states, Christ makes intercession for us. In Romans 11:2 our promised is confirmed that God does not cast away His people which He foreknew. And finally, in Hebrews 7:25, the entirety of the previous 8 versus throughout the Bible is elegantly and eloquently summed up:
Hebrews 7:25 Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.4
As part of the body of Christ, there are many that have just read this, who are members of the Special Ops team of the body of Christ. The Spirit of God lives in us and moves us to pray for our country, for our fellow co-worker, for our neighbor, for our family, for our governments, for ourselves, and for our fellow brother & sisters. Current dilemmas in our world are calling for intercessors. We are in a Spiritual battle, as noted in Ephesians 6:12, we wrestle not against flesh and blood. And how do we wrestle? With the Sword of the Spirit, the Shield of Faith, and through Prayer. Intercession for the believer comes in the form of prayer, praise, worship, and a relationship with Jesus Christ. In doing so, the Holy Spirit that dwells within us, will leads us, guide us, and intercede on our behalf.
All of this is by faith, through grace, which is how we are saved and furnished to good works. We are to take action, for faith without works is dead. As intercessors and as members of the Special Ops team of the Kingdom of God, we must pray. We must worship. We must intercede and be about the business of our Father: fishers of men. We are in a battle, yet we do not battle as the world battles. Intercessors know, that what is done in heaven will be done on earth and God’s sovereign will always be done. We are warriors in the army of Jesus Christ. Are you on the Special Ops Team of the Kingdom of God? As with any special forces team, many are called few are chosen, in the Kingdom of God though, the least is the greatest and the greatest is the least. You are a member of the Special Ops Kingdom of God. You are an Intercessor.
Our Mission: Intercession through prayer – God’s Kingdom come, God’s will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
God bless you all. Amen.