The interactions & interweaving of KEG cards & body, mind, soul & emotions
Thoughts about KEG cards and how Mind, Body, Soul & Art Work Together: feelings, beliefs, words, thoughts and expectations can determine our happiness & health
The connection between body, mind,soul,art and mental health has
been researched and shown to have great therapeutic value.
Many case studies have proven that sensory stimulations can have a profound
effect and improvement on how a person feels, functions and lives.
The key is finding the one, in this case the picture, that works
for a person and connects him/her with core issues. It is often helpful
to also employ affirmations, positive thoughts & narratives in addition
to clearing out the negative.
Everything that happens to a person in his/her life is imprinted and can
cause and create emotional and physical repercussions.
These events and imprintings can be seen and described or projected
onto artwork and pictures. By talking about these projections,
verbally reenacting these experiences and perhaps changing the
narratives into more positive experiences an individual can effect
body-mind-emotional change.
This is the underlying reason of how and why keg cards work and boost
positive mental wellbeing.
Keg cards are effective in working with many disorders such as
anxiety, depression, PTSD and addictions, including computer game
addiction where we have to emphasize additional sources of
satisfaction and doing, which are more positive for the addicted
individual, and support wellbeing in our therapy and coaching.
Keg cards are also effective in analysing and improving
relationships: relational neuroscience teaches us so much about
healing the often-subtle traumatic threads that underlie our patterns
of relationship and how these are to a large extent based on feelings/
emotions. These emotions can be traced to their core origins by
narratives that the client creates with the help of keg cards
focussing on different sizes, different pictures and placing them
in appropriate places.
It was believed to be true, in the past and for many years, that
limbic circuits - which hold the earliest patterns of relationships -
were rigid, implicit, fixated, internalized, nonverbal, and unchanging.
However, now modern research, also using modern technology, such as
MRI etc. on the neurobiology of attachment has indicated that
our brains are capable of an astonishing degree of rewiring
and plasticity. The brain can be rewired and changes in the
brain can help the individual make changes in thoughts, feelings
and behavior.
Science is proving that we do not need to be imprisoned by our
childhood relationships, traumatic experiences and our early
attachment experiences, even if they are negative.
We can create new positive narratives and live according to their
internalized messages.
(a note from Eleanor Avinor, PhD, [email protected] )
Before creating the KEG therapy cards, I thought about "What is the appropriate theoretical framework for my therapy cards?" and came to the conclusion that there are strong links between many of the theories, overlapping and contradictions, and that all are relevant for my cards. Different strokes
for different folks -- people need and are helped by different theories and techniques at different stages in their development and in their lives. Therapy is change, dynamic and so is life. Therefore the cards represent different mind-sets and various approaches to therapy. And so, I created questions that are based on many theories and incorporate different ways of looking at and conducting therapy; the therapist makes her choice according to the vulnerability and resilience of the client. The cards cover a wide range of topics and issues. Different questions delve into these topics to different depths. The clients and the therapist decide together which questions to answer and to what extent to probe. Since the connection between art, imagination, guided imagery,and mental health has been researched and shown to have great therapeutic value, it is obvious that not only creating art, but also choosing art, has an important place in therapy. Many case studies have proven that sensory stimulations can have a profound effect and improvement on how a person feels. The key is finding the one, in this case the picture, that works for a person and connects him/her with core issues. This is the underlying reason of how and why keg cards and videos work and boost positive mental wellbeing. Here is a newer version of a therapy love story via keg cards. What do you think of it?
KEG cards, keys to emotional growth, are based on our emotions and our photographic memory together with CBT, geshtault, redecision therapy, schema therapy, NLP, and psychoanalytic truths, can help the individual be in contact with and work through core issues and memories.