THE INTERACTION SERIES - Suntec Convention Center
Lakshmi Mohanbabu
First Singaporean Artist To send her art to the Moon, An Architect, Fashion Designer & an Artist & a NFT Creator
One integrated world view transcending all religions, cultures and continents in the context of the world we live in today. Travel, discovery, interaction, communication and knowledge have reached new heights, in a world striving towards infinite possibilities while going through the cycles of life.
Infinity, interdependence and interaction are concepts that feature in all my work. Infinity in terms of numbers, time, space and life cycles along with the interdependence of opposites are interpreted as unifying symbols, ‘Mandalas’, embodying all these concepts.
The mandala as a cosmic diagram best embodies our relationship to the infinite, the world that extends both beyond and within our bodies and minds. These paintings have elements of all these ideals such as the singularity of the self, the duality of complementary sides, the trinity of creation, preservation and destruction to the plurality in our beliefs.
The wave, the medium of travel for light, sound and energy is needed for all forms of interaction and communication. The interdependence of the complimentary nature of the crest and trough best signifies this relationship. The existence of the crest is dependent on the trough.
Each painting is a square made of just two interconnected spaces, the positive crest and the negative trough, an interpretation of the complimentary interdependence of the ying and yang. The line creating this shape starting at a point and coming back to the same point depicts continuing life cycles and infinity. The arrows represent channels interconneting triangles and show direction. The arrows radiating along defined patterns depict the interaction of the inner self with that beyond the reaches of our consciousness.The central axis expresses unity. Duality is depicted by the negative and positive spaces. Trinity is ascribed to the triangle the smallest polygon. The square represents the four directions and the circle a polygon with infinite sides represents the sun, the moon and the earth.