Interaction Design Patterns: Applying Best Practices to Improve User Experiences

Interaction Design Patterns: Applying Best Practices to Improve User Experiences

During our recent conversation with AJAY SHARMA , our UI/UX designer who is working on one of our products infoquest. He shared some of the interesting guidelines for UX design which we thought to share with the LinkedIn family if it helps. Go through to know more about the guidelines and how you can improve the overall user experience in design.

Interaction design patterns are essential in building intuitive and user-friendly interfaces. It enables people with familiar and expected ways to engage with products, resulting in a smooth user experience. Here I am highlighting best practices for popular patterns such as navigation menus, form designs, and call-to-action buttons. By properly understanding and implementing these patterns, UX designers may improve usability, minimize cognitive load, and increase overall user happiness.

The Importance of Interaction Design Patterns

It is used to build intuitive interfaces by using users' existing mental models. They give uniformity, familiarity, and predictability, allowing people to quickly understand and use digital products rapidly. UX designers can shorten the learning curve and improve the usability of their designs by using known patterns. Furthermore, interaction design patterns promote a sense of coherence, making it easier for users to complete activities and achieve their objectives.

Navigation Menus: Best Practices

Navigation menus act as a road map, directing users through an application's or website's content and features. The following are some recommended practices for creating excellent navigation menus:

  • Clear and Concise Labels: Use labels that are descriptive and concise, appropriately representing the content or functionality of each menu item. Avoid confusing or technical vocabulary that could lead to user confusion.
  • Visible and Accessible: Make sure the navigation menu is visible and accessible from any page or screen. It should be prominently displayed and easily accessible, allowing consumers to easily access it.
  • Consistent Positioning: Keep the navigation menu in the same place on different screens or pages. Users construct a mental image of the interface based on consistent placement.
  • Responsive Design: Use responsive design methods to optimize navigation menus for mobile devices. To save screen space, consider adopting hamburger menus or other collapsible patterns.

Navigation image

Form Designs: Best Practices

Forms are important components of many digital experiences because they allow users to input and submit data. Some best practices for building user-friendly form interfaces are as follows:

  • Clear and Organized Layout: Use clear labelling, logical grouping, and suitable alignment to ensure that form fields are easy to understand and fill in the information. Group relevant fields together and use visual clues to help visitors through the form.
  • Inline Validation: Use real-time validation to give immediate feedback on form input. This allows users to quickly see and fix mistakes, reducing irritation and improving the overall user experience.
  • Autofill and Autocomplete: Take advantage of browser autofill capabilities and provide autocomplete suggestions as needed. This saves consumers time and effort, making the form-filling process more efficient.
  • Progressive Disclosure: Use an incremental reveal method to present complex forms, first displaying only relevant fields and revealing additional fields based on user inputs. This reduces cognitive load (things user need to remember) and prevents overwhelming consumers with unnecessary information.

Input Image

Call-to-Action Buttons: Best Practices

It guides people to desired actions such as completing a purchase, joining up, or submitting a form. When building CTAs, keep the following recommended practices in mind:

  • Clear and Actionable Text: On the CTA buttons, use short and action-oriented wording to clearly indicate the desired action. Check that the text matches the expectations of the users and the overall goal of the page or screen.
  • Visual Hierarchy and Contrast: Use color, scale, and contrast to make CTAs stand out. To capture users' attention and promote participation, make sure they stand out from the surrounding elements.
  • Positioning and Proximity: Place CTAs in easily scannable and accessible locations. Place them in areas where consumers expect to see them, such as at the end of a form or within the main content area.
  • Responsive Design: Use responsive design principles to optimize CTAs for different devices and screen sizes. Make sure that your CTAs are big enough and have enough room for easy typing on mobile devices.

CTA Image

Wrapping Up

Navigation menus, form designs, and call-to-action buttons are examples of interaction design patterns that can be used to create intuitive and user-friendly interfaces. UX designers may improve usability, reduce cognitive burden, and increase overall user happiness by applying best practices and utilizing established patterns. To guarantee a seamless and engaging user experience, it is critical to understand customers' expectations and align design decisions with established norms. Designers can develop interfaces that are both aesthetically beautiful and extremely functional by efficiently incorporating interaction design patterns, resulting in improved user experiences.


