Interact with deployed Smart Contracts using NodeJs and Ethers.js

Interact with deployed Smart Contracts using NodeJs and Ethers.js

In our previous post, we covered how to develop and deploy the smart contract using Ethers.js

here I explained how to interact with the deployed contract.

  1. Using a contract instance, we can use the contract method. Here's the deployed contract.

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract SimpleStorage {
    uint256 public data;

    function set(uint256 _data) public {
        data = _data;

    function get() public view returns (uint256) {
        return data;

2. Required config - contractAddress

 const contractAddress = "0x85E7058484R725789b7873c2563F864C12AAf9BB"; 
//Replace with your contract address        

3. Connect the provider and wallet.

4. Create the interact.js file in the project directory.

const { ethers } = require("ethers");
const fs = require("fs");

// Configuration 
const contractAddress = "0x85D7058484C725789b7873c2563F864C12AAf9BB"; // Replace with your contract address

async function interactWithContract() {
  const contractJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("simple.json"));
  const abi = contractJson.abi;
  const bytecode = contractJson.bytecode;
  const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(process.env.PROVIDER_URL);

  const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY, provider);

  const contract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, abi, wallet);

  const currentData = await contract.get();
  console.log("Current stored data:", currentData.toString());

  //Set data
  const newData = 154;
  console.log(`Updating data to: ${newData}...`);
  const tx = await contract.set(newData);
  await tx.wait();
  console.log("Transaction confirmed!");

  //   Get the updated stored value
  const updatedData = await contract.get();
  console.log("Updated stored data:", updatedData.toString());


5. Create the contract instance with the address, abi, and wallet.

6. By using instance, we can call the contract methods.

Result from Contract


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