Intentionally, Transparently Unique
As each new year rolls in, it’s natural to reflect on the previous. 2020 slammed into us with brute force, bringing a whirlwind of change that ripped through our world. One thing I can say with certainty is that it caused us to think differently.
The last several months I have asked everyone what single word they would use to describe 2020. People have shared hundreds of words with me. In all their responses, simple math shows a split between glimpses of hope and glimpses of darkness.
Before they answer my question, I share that when I pondered my word for last year, I envisioned bouncing a future grandchild on my knee and them asking me what 2020 was like. What word would I tell them?
Why that?
I committed to myself years ago to be intentionally, transparently unique. Never did I think “unique” would have such a dynamic meaning to me today.
That commitment years ago forced a change in how I thought I was unique. Some may call it “Center of Influences” or “Laws of Attraction”; whatever the name, that is where it started with me. No grand design. Just intentionally thinking differently and uniquely about my Centers of Influence.