Intentional Decisions
John Woolley
Brother, Son, & Father | Vision - the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom | Training & Development
Have you ever thought about this?
A little child/baby, when they start to learn how to walk, can learn how to do it without things like a “how to” YouTube video, or a comprehensive presentation. They can see what’s going on (other people around them, who are walking) and before you know it, they’re doing it for themselves. This highlights an ability that we are all born with, but it seems like over time, we lose track of it and fall out of practice. We have this incredible ability to see something that we want, choose to go after it, then our mind and the world around us goes to work to create it. This starts with making an intentional decision, and it is one of the most fundamental principles that helps you create great things in your life.
What is an intentional decision?
Intentional decision means that you make a choice, being very, very clear on what you want, and then are willing to start moving towards it. It’s easy to get caught up and confused with reasons why you shouldn’t or can’t do something. My experience is that things become really clear and motivation comes once I make a choice for myself, from within. There have been times in my life where I was so confused I didn’t even know what kind of things I enjoyed. I felt like every time I attempted to try something, I would get discouraged and quit before I even started. Confusion quite often, and was so for me, comes with lack of direction. Without commitment in a direction and clarity of what the end experience looks like for us, getting lost is easy.
When we make an intentional decision, we activate this energy that moves us and moves things around us, which creates our life’s experiences. Everything that we could ever need or want in our life is just one thought away, and many times being able to tune into those thoughts depends on our choice and intention to seek it. Remember, the knowledge that takes us from where we are to where we want to be exists around us, and we have the ability within to call it to us, and allow it to lead us to where we want to be. This doesn’t mean we have all the answers right away, in fact I would say this is the opposite of that. We just understand and trust that the next step will always present itself.
If we don’t make intentional decisions, then progress is stifled.
The biggest threats to this that I’ve seen in my life. Work on eliminate these and you’ll start to see changes in a big way:
- Fear
- Doubt
- Procrastination
- Excuses
Making an intentional decision is what starts the process of attracting everything we need right to us. When we make an intentional choice to go out and get something, or become someone, then everything that is necessary for us to make that journey presents itself on our path in perfect timing. It literally activates and moves energy.
Nike wasn’t too far off when they said, “Just Do It.” Even if it’s a small choice for now, start with that and growth comes with more practice. Make a choice in your mind about what you want, and start in whatever little way you can. Just like a little child, when we decide that we’re going after something, we start to figure out how to do it. Step by step, new thoughts and ideas come to us, we practice them, make mistakes, learn, and try again. This is the process of creating in our life, but we have to choose.