Be intentional about communicating your value in 2024!
Victor Uruaka
Your Reliable Growth Partner | Excellent Executive | Superb Sales Consultant | Global Business Advisor | #BCGG
The Spirituality of Wealth Creation
Yesterday, I spent quality time with some passionate individuals who demonstrated commitment, willingness and determination to change the fortunes of their lives - this year!
Seeing how hungry they were for knowledge (insight, depth and clarity), I used the law of polarity to explain that…
-??????? Wealth, healthy and total wellbeing are Spiritual outcomes.
-??????? Poverty, sickness and deprivation are also spiritual outcomes.
In fact, the existence of any of these categories is either a victory over or a constant struggle by Satan to steal, kill and destroy.
So, lack is the result of Satan’s interaction or effect on people’s life.
To thrive in life, you need to be a person of value, offering either a product, service or both.
These value must be exchanged as a reward for the value we had offered.
There are basically at least 4 ways in which you can exchange your value for a reward, namely:
4. Imagination – using your mind/money and allowing you to earn anything from N1m to billions
3. Communication ?- using your mouth enabling you to earn anything from
2. Unification – using your managerial skills to manage people to get the job done and earn up to 500k
1. Implementation – using your muscle/time in exchange for money to meet basic necessities.
I took time to explain these steps and why it is critical to the success of the program for which I had been invited as a facilitator.
Without this knowledge, participants might learn & master one or more of the digital skills on offer and painfully end up using the skills acquired during this training to work for people who have applied their minds at a higher level.
For context, I am not saying people should not use their gifts, abilities and talents to work for other people or organizations and gain valuable experience and exposure in that process.
I was simply speaking to potential subject matter experts (SMEs) and aspiring entrepreneurs letting them know the marketplace does not place much value on “craftsmen”, but on those who take bigger risks.
We see this everywhere around us:
- Business Centers with the best typist earning minimum wage
- Printing Press with the best graphical designers earning minimum wage
- Publishing Houses with the best Chat GPT experts earning minimum wage
- Hotel attendants, car repairers, gadget fixers, brick layer, truck pushers, etc all doing so much and earning so little.
All of them are doing the work but someone else takes the greater glory.
The risk takers choose to apply their MINDS!
I recommend we use our minds for 2 main functions:
1. Use the mind to learn, relearn, unlearn and learn on-the-go.
2. Use the mind to deepen expectation levels through greater hunger & appetite for more.
The difference between those who have and those who have not is in their “hunger and appetite.”
Picture many people going to the stream to draw water (hunger/thirst).
However, you will notice that some will come with pots, buckets, drums, tanker, etc.
Is it possible to bury a pipe and channel it straight to your house?
That's appetite!
Hunger talks about the depth of our desires, dreams & vision.
No matter how you hunger for a truckload of food, if you do not have a large appetite or capacity, you end up wasting the remaining truck of food. We see this a lot in the jungle between the lion and the gazelle. Leftovers are consumed by hyenas, vultures and wild dogs.
Appetite talks about capacity.
Our capacities can be enlarged or stretched through the process of continuous learning.
Learning to receive.
Learning to perceive things.
Learning to conceive ideas for wealth creation
Learning to retrieve things in a practical form from the unseen spiritual realm to the physical seen reality.
It takes documenting your vision (goals & sub-goals) and articulating the steps or plans through which this must be achieved.
For better appreciation of goal setting (SMART) I recommend reading Proverbs 16:1-7
I suggested we all should ask God to show us our assignment, calling, or purpose. Matthew 7:7
We looked at the importance of Motive as a critical tool in achieving our desires, dreams or vision.
Why do we want to achieve our outlined goals?
Is it in alignment with that of our Maker or for selfish, personal good?
God is not a waster.
God is an investor interested in returns, high returns. John 15:5
In the feeding of the 5000, we read in John 6:12 where Jesus asked his disciples to gather up the leftover food, and they gathered 12 baskets.
Once God shows us our assignment, calling or purpose, we do not need anyone else's permission to recognize our gift, but to be bold, courageous, confident in our convictions and go out everyday with this prayer...
“God, give me eyes to see all that You would have me be, do or have today so I can be, do or have all that You would have me be, do or have.”
I have an acronym for my 3 of 3, 3SAs, 3Cs, AFR – Announcing our calling, Financing our Assignments and Reinforcing our calling in line with our true identities.
You can DM, if interested, for my themes, goals and hours of power which gives a clear step-by-step process on how to maximise these acronyms.
Finally, ask God to start showing you your gifts...
And to make you an "Expert Communicator" on the message He has given you.
Can you sell snow to Eskimos?
Communication is so powerful because it can create a message that causes people to believe in our assignment and have faith for our brand promise (value).
Expert communicators influence people to do what they ordinarily shouldn't have done if left on their own.
Don't be a Methusaleh even at 969 years was known only for his longevity.
Be like Jesus Christ, who at only 33 and half years left a legacy of impact, influence and made a difference that transcend generations and still relevant and of value till today and wants us to be role models or Ambassadors for Him.
Until I come again soon, remember, you have all it takes to be, do and have all God designed for you.
Cheers to an amazing week ahead.
Chartered Health and Safety Professional
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