An intentional act of resistance
228 Accelerator
We design and facilitate custom, personalized, and tech-enabled solutions to heal and empower learning communities.
Dear friends,
This has been quite the year. The pandemic, racial reckoning, legislative threats to stories, banning of books, and the imminent threat to women's health are enough to literally break a soul. Thanks, Beyonce.
I think that the decision not to have one's soul broken is an intentional act of resistance. We can pretty much expect the stress to continue and the temperature to rise. How do we continue to get the space, the joy, and the resolve to continue to build and design anew? How do we continue to look at our children, the ones we birthed and the ones we teach with faithful eyes, and tell them everything will be ok? I don't have the answers but this is what I have figured out: in order to thrive in times like these, we have to work not just from the cup but from the saucer. How do we fill ourselves up so that the cup continues to run over into the saucer? How do we maintain a place and space of nourishment for others? We never run dry. Let’s work from the saucer.