Intention Alchemy: The 3 Phases We Go Through To Be Creators
Kristen Russell
Transformational Coach | Life & Spiritual Mentor | ICG International Coach of the Year 2021 | Shoalhaven Micro Business Finalist | Facilitator | Trainer | Certified Professional Coach
The challenge that comes with running the business you love
We all got a different creator living inside of us that knows what’s best for us.
It’s basically the driving reason why we’re here.
And through our business, we get to express ourselves.
It’s wonderful that we can do the things that we love every single day.
But running a business has never been easy.
There are times when it’s challenging.
And we’re still going to find things that stop us from being the creator that we truly are here to be.
However, it can be easier the more that we can tap into what is truly aligned with us.
The three phases of intention alchemy
Taking the path that is most aligned with you consists of three phases.
I call them the three elements of alchemy: Negredo, Albedo and Rubredo.
They are truth, love and wisdom.
Negredo Phase: Truth
We start by stepping into the truth of who we think we are and the fears that have been holding us back. This is where we face what we’re truly experiencing right now. It’s about shedding the layers that our ego has put up to “keep us safe” but ultimately prevent us from growing, and bringing our unconscious fears to the surface for us to acknowledge them.
Albedo Phase: Love?
This is where we start tapping our higher self and the creator that’s within us. It’s about accessing your voice, your true self, your purpose, whatever you want to call it because it’s time to stop playing the victim and start truly committing to be the creator of your own life. You can access love and you can create the things that you truly desire just because you choose to.?
Rubedo Phase: Wisdom
After peeling off your layers and embracing the creator that’s within you, it’s time to take action. Listen to the little nudges of your higher self. When it tells you where you need to go, you have to trust that it’s where you need to go.?
Exercise: Activate your deepest intentions
Set intentions for your journey and align your vision with the most authentic version of you.
Think about where are you now and what your world looks like. What are your challenges? What affects you from your past still? What are you worried about? What are you afraid of??
2. Step into love - what our heart truly desires.?
Your visions and hopes for the future, your true self and purpose, your magnificence and power, being free to create the life you desire. Visualise and feel this throughout your body.
3. Step into wisdom - action taking on the little nudges?
Set some time aside to imagine and write out the scary and exciting things that deep within you, you feel called to do. Move toward this vision and decide on a courageous action on it each week for the next six months.