Intent Versus Objective in Thought Design!
The way we look at issues can determine the way we deal with them. Our intention may determine our objectives. However, attitude or perception or both can determine the kind of action we take. Let us illustrate.
Scenario 1.
We know that modern nations have Sustainability Development Goals. The core objectives is to end extreme poverty by addressing past injustice in a bid to ensure some reasonable levels of equality in opportunity, empowerment and in human rights and justice arena and sphere. Because the core objective seems to reduce poverty, many nations may address that goal differently from one another! The core word is REDUCE. Let us now look at another way. Suppose we use the inversion principle and put REDUCE and POVERTY through a problem-solving converter. At the output we will get INCREASE as the input ( or action) and WEALTH as the output or intended result. In other words, instead of thinking REDUCE and POVERTY, policy-makers, technocrats, problem-solvers, leaders, system builders, academics, professionals, experts, executives, managers, operatives and the citizenry will think "GROWTH" and "WEALTH". The question is: what is the purpose of this inversion process? The answer to that is a major topic for discussion fora. Suffice it to say that by changing our focus to "growth" and "wealth" we will embark on goals, objective, plans, strategies, decisions, initiatives and actions centred on wealth creation, empowerment and opportunity creation. Why is this important? Instead of redistributing wealth through aid and handouts we will focus on creating and increasing wealth. The focus will shift towards empowering the people to create wealth and opportunity and hence enhance economic growth and economic independence!
Scenario 2.
We know that many societies, communities and nations are affected badly by corruption including filthy lucre, discrimination, prejudice, impunity, etc. What corruption does is to increase disparities and inequalities by depriving society and honest people of opportunity, resources and a level playing field for competitive endevours. Many nations have been struggling in FIGHTING CORRUPTION. By using the argument in scenario 1, we can put FIGHTING and CORRUPTION into a problem-solving converter(inverter). At the output we will have ENHANCE ( as the intended input or action) and FAIRNESS/EQUITY/EQUALITY/HONESTY/ETC as the intended output or result. That will enable a paradigm shift towards concentrating efforts, skills, expertise and resources on enhancing the positives. Thus instead of acting defensively, we will always act both promotionally and proactively. Through such an approach, corruption will be stifled out, become a stigma and an irrelevance and eventually but promptly and in a timely manner be decisively, totally and completely eliminated.
By designing our thinking in problem-solving we can create strong societies, ensure peace, safety and prosperity always. The question is: why is this important? That indeed is the crux of the matter!
The month of March is Peace Advocacy Month. We all know that we need and want a trouble-free, prosperous society and world. To that end peace awareness is important. Sensitizing society and the people on ways of achieving Sustainable development, equitable empowerment and progress are core ingredients of peace awareness strategies. Peace matters!