Intent-Centric Systems in DeFi: Why Their Design is Fundamentally Flawed
Introduction: From Decentralized Promise to a Dangerous Trap
The world of DeFi (Decentralized Finance) was designed to offer users free, open access to financial markets without the need for traditional intermediaries, such as banks. While DeFi’s principles of transparency and accessibility offer a significant advantage, they also reveal a critical weakness: the potential for exploitation. This vulnerability, known as MEV (Maximum Extractable Value), occurs when parties with privileged access to transaction information profit at the expense of regular users.
Intent-centric systems were developed to mitigate the MEV problem by allowing users to define their general transaction intentions rather than revealing complete details. However, instead of solving the problem, these systems exacerbate it by concentrating power and knowledge in the hands of a select few solvers (entities who execute the transactions). Solvers gain exclusive access to sensitive information and can leverage this to their advantage, ultimately creating a system that is inherently flawed. Intentable proposes a new approach, bringing control back into the hands of users and ensuring that every transaction is conducted fairly and securely.
The Problem with Traditional Intent-Centric Systems: Monopoly of Information and Know-How
To understand the limitations of traditional intent-centric systems, we need to examine how solvers are positioned to exploit the knowledge and expertise they exclusively hold.
For example, if a user sets an intent to buy an asset at up to $3,000, a solver might find that asset available at $2,920. Instead of fulfilling the user’s intent at the lowest available price, the solver might pocket the difference by charging the user $3,000. This ability to monopolize information and execution strategies leaves users vulnerable to manipulation and ensures that profits are skewed in favor of the solvers.
Intentable – Bringing Power and Flexibility Back to the User
Intentable introduces a solution that returns control to the users, giving them full authority to set transaction terms, verify them on the blockchain, and seamlessly integrate between CeFi (Centralized Finance) and DeFi (Decentralized Finance). Here’s how Intentable’s unique approach addresses the flaws of traditional intent-centric systems:
2. Rapid and Flexible Transaction Creation Without Traditional Audits ??
3. API Integration for Seamless Execution Across CeFi and DeFi ??
4. Dynamic Conditions and Off-Chain Triggers ??
5. Fair Compensation Model for Solvers ??
Unlike traditional systems, where solvers can exploit transaction size to increase their profits, Intentable adopts a fixed fee model. This approach removes any incentive for solvers to manipulate transaction parameters for higher profits. Solvers compete only to execute the transaction first, and their reward is based solely on a consistent fee, regardless of transaction size.
Intentable – Autonomy, Security, and Real-Time Flexibility
Intentable empowers users to combine CeFi and DeFi transaction execution with dynamic, real-time conditions in a way that ensures maximum security and fairness. By putting the power back in the user’s hands, Intentable creates a DeFi environment where users have complete control, and solvers are incentivized solely by fair competition rather than exploitation.
Summary: Intentable – Fair Competition, Full User Control, and Optimal Security ??
Intentable is a game-changer in DeFi and intent-based systems. The platform empowers users with:
With Intentable, users in the DeFi space enjoy a secure, transparent, and decentralized environment where they set the terms, and solvers focus purely on efficient execution. This system brings DeFi closer to its promise of user autonomy, empowering participants with the tools for safer, smarter, and fairer transactions.