Intent Behind The Content!!
'The intention is one of the most powerful forces there is. What you mean when you do a thing will always determine the outcome. The law creates the world.' - Brenna Yovanoff
Do You Know?
Data from the past 150 years suggests that, contrary to contemporary belief, success depends on a person's character, and his or her deeper qualities like honesty, integrity, self-righteousness, etc. In order to #communicate effectively, we must delve deeper into our personalities in order to become effective communicators. But, do not get confused between character and #personality as both are different from each other.
Let me explain to you the line that differentiates one from another.
Character Versus Personality
The constituents of character are main qualities i.e. primary characteristics while those of the personality are resultant qualities i.e. secondary characteristics. Secondary characteristics can help too much in long run. As one cannot hold a facade for too long.
Let's presume you are in Delhi and want to locate a particular destination in the city with the help of a map. You have great secondary skills in how to read a map, however, you will fail to locate your destination if you are using a map of Mumbai. So, in order to locate the correct destination finding the map of Delhi is an important primary element prior to putting your secondary skills to use effectively.
Thus, the difficulty with depending on personality traits is that unless you know what is right and wrong, changing behavior will not be effective at all. This is because our perceptions remain the same. Research says that people see different things in the same inkblots depending on their perspective. We do not see things as they are, but see them as we want to see them. We have to then break the bonds of conditioning and past experiences and rise above them. We have to then break the bonds of conditioning and past experiences and rise above them. Therefore, if we change the basic paradigm, would we not be able to change our way of communication?
If we alter our personality, we change certain behaviors; however, if we change our character traits, it is like removing the root cause of behavioral troubles.
The 'intent behind the content' approach does not only talk about effectiveness, it talks about sustainability as well. Focus on changing the intent, the content will automatically change.
Research suggests that happy people get less involved in road rage compared the angry ones. Imagine if your intent was purified and now you focus on improving content, what effect it will create on your communication?
The best example I can think of is that of a house. you can paint the house as much as you like, and you can get the walls repaired but if the groundwork is weak, the house is definitely bound to collapse.
What if, like a friend of mine who has a beautiful rubber plant at home, we water the plant and then also clean the leaves with a wet cloth? We will shine both inside and out. People like this are rare ones who can communicate clearly and effectively and can sustain that effort as well. If we try to alter only our personality and not our character, the change will be visible but it will not last long. In order to become an effective communicator, we must focus on improving our character, along with our personality.
Thus, it is said we should be crystal clear with our intent behind every #communication. Unless we change our #attitude #belief and value systems, just changing the content or personality traits will not be sustainable.
Request you all to mark your thoughts on the same.