Geoff Crockford is setting aside the week 27th January to 3rd February 2018 for intensive training in telepathy. The aim is to see if it is possible to make progress with developing telepathic powers using intensive and repetitive training.
The underlying theory for telepathy is that there is a level in the brain that receives information say from the senses, and converts it into a magnetic concept or a magnetic hologram. For example, the visual information received by looking at a tree is converted into a magnetic image of a tree in the brain. The image is analysed and has more information added such as size, movement and wind. The magnetic image then moves forward as nerve impulses to the language centre where the word for tree is developed in the language of the person e.g. French etc. However, back at the magnetic stage there is a magnetic field and it is possible for another person to pick up the magnetic ‘image’ of the tree from this field and translate it into their language, say English.
At the moment the theory is that the person with the magnetic image of a tree in their mind is able to project the magnetic image to a selected person who on receiving it converts it into an image of a tree or the word for a tree. We can check this part of the theory by dowsing the person transmitting for a tree or whatever is in their mind, say water, wine etc.
This is the telepathic theory for the transfer of information from one person’s mind to that of another person. The theory is extended to the domain of thought where additional information is added, for example – ‘a big tree moving in the wind’. The thinking is done magnetically or it has a magnetic output or fields associated with it. This magnetic output for ‘big’, moving’, ‘wind’ is picked up by another person and translated into say French words etc.
So, the theory is that thought processes at some stage appear as magnetic fields. These fields then become a transmitted output. As a result, this output can be picked up by the receivers or sensors for magnetic fields in another person, then passed to their magnetic system then to the language system in the brain. We know that people are sensitive to magnetic fields and acquire information from them. The phenomenon of dowsing is based on magnetic fields and sensors. That is information is transferred from a target via a magnetic field to a sensory system. In most dowsers the information carried by the fields has to be worked out using witnesses, three dimensional dowsing i.e. form, knowledge and experience. However, some dowsers are able to respond to magnetic information received from the environment and create an image in their minds. For example, some claim to be able to see underground streams, the aura of people’, ghosts. There is plenty of evidence that humans can and do receive magnetic information and are able to translate it into mental images with sound attached.
Using this model several points can be identified where training effects may occur. We know that the magnetic system can be trained because we all experience this as our dowsing ability develops. The ability to perceive fields also develops up to the point where mental images of magnetic holograms are developed in the mind.
From the model, training the power of the mental image of the tree, its clarity and detail and the power of the transmission of images are the things to go for. Both can be measured and any increase in power identified (see later).
In theory the sensitivity of the receiving system can also be increased by training. This is not so easy to do and monitor. At the moment practicing to see the magnetic holograms associated with stones is the exercise of choice because the hologram can be identified by dowsing, its shape worked out and an image constructed in the mind. With training the input from dowsing the form should decline until the trainee can identify the hologram by looking at it.
1. Training for telepathic power
Identify a target in the room at least 3m away from where you will be sitting. One meter from the target have a table or some support for the A4 or lager cards that you will be using to block the transmission line between head and target. You will need rods and a colour wheel or a double sided green witness, mineral green. If you have crayons or paints try the greens to see which one works with the telepathic line. The transmission line will remain for a number of minutes so plenty of time to experiment.
The idea is to sit and mentally say something to the target e.g. ‘the sky is blue’, ‘can you hear me’. Mentally shout at the target and repeat say 10 times. Use a number of messages.
Try and fit a mental image to the message, blue, some clouds or birds, loud speaker. The idea is to try and transmit word and picture. Repeat for say 5 min.
2. Try and visualise upper case letters
Letters can be visualised in upper case and placed on the ground where they can be dowsed by other people e.g. CAT. The visualisation needs practice. Success comes when a second person is able to dowse the letters on the ground.
3. Stones and magnetic holograms
Stones which have magnetic holograms are available from Don and myself. The white quartzite stones associated with pre – Roman archaeological sites very often have magnetic holograms. The first step is to try and identify the hologram using dowsing. Once the hologram has been identified the next step is to try and ‘see’ it in one’s mind. Some people soon pick it up but for most it may involve many weeks of practice.
4. Creating holograms using the mind
The mind can be used to produce 3d holograms of simple objects such as a glass, brick, geometric shapes. They can then be dowsed to confirm that you have created them. Train to make them as ‘bright’ as possible so that they can be ‘seen’ without dowsing them by you and other dowsers.
Marcus and I will be doing these exercises and experimenting all week. If any body is interested in looking in let me know. It will be possible to meet up in the evening at ‘The Bell’ or ‘The Holly Bush’ for a meal and discussion.
For those wanting to try and develop their telepathy skills it may help to call in to see how some of the exercises and tests are used.