Intelligent System Design. Gentle & Altruistic Software.

Intelligent System Design. Gentle & Altruistic Software.

"The main objective of AI, from the point of view of its utility function, is the creation of intelligent systems that plan, analyze, synthesize, infer, make decisions, communicate, learn and justify themselves, based on their objectives. Making the entities that govern (I T systems, biological/synthetic organisms, organizations or ecosystems), have capacities to deal with complex situations in a predictive, adaptive and evolutionary way, based on the evidences and uncertainties of the real world, and on the treasured human knowledge, explicit or implicit ".

Luis Martín "The Druid"

Intelligent Systems Design,?permits to implement educational programs, technological systems and socio-technical organizations aimed at better understanding, interpreting and comprehension of the real world and more and better influencing on it by adopting more efficient and balanced behavior.

Figure- General processes in a cognitive intelligent analysis system for national security.

That is, psychology studies intelligence essentially from a behavioral perspective, neuroscience studies the brain from a physiological point of view, neurocybernetics from the standpoint of the concurrent processes of energy and information, artificial intelligence from the point of view of creation and simulation of intelligent process and systems and so on.?Intelligent Systems Design?, fueled by these disciplines, borns with a purpose of functional utility through design.

The main goal of?Intelligent Systems Design,?is to create?High Performance Intelligence in technological devices, peoples and organizations.

LMT "The Druid" MODEL

The model is a holistic complete and coherent vision of key elements that have to be considered by a?designer?in the creation of intelligent systems across the?Structured Thinking Design. This elements give formal reference in the creation of our High Performace Intelligence Systems. This model is based in the work of scientists and technologists from advanced institutions such as DARPA, MIT, The Redwood Center for?Neuroscience, Neurocognitive computation works from IBM, research lines about complex adaptative systems (emerging) from the Bioscience Gilbert Institute (Stanford), etc.?

The purpose of this model, is to stablish a?design doctrine and a solid methodology that will allow for creating intelligent systems solutions, more than defining the components that must have a system to be called “intelligent” (this task is reserved for philosophes, scientists and technologists from different branches of knowledge).

Figure-LMT "The Druid" Intelligent System Innovation Plan.??

From a multidisciplinary approach free of academic conflicts, the model reveals the set of systems that could be the functional base for the improvement of any structure or entity that wants to intelligently understand and influence in the real world area, where it has the objective to operate, to survive or to progress.

Figure- Diagram of rational & cognitive activities in a dual intelligent system

Within the paradigm of adaptive systems, the model, poses a hierarchy of capacities and functions that to a greater or lesser extent must be present in a complete or incomplete intelligent system, namely:

The ability to understand the real world, will allow us to capture and ponder the information of the environment that is useful to have a situational awareness of what is happening and from it to infer through analysis sequences because the situation is happening.

The ability to influence the real world, will enable the possibility of raising or redefining objectives, planning and executing strategies to change the Statu-Quo of a situation and finally to be able to do so in a gentle and altruistic way, that is to say, achieving the objectives without undesirable effects in the environment, learning in function of the result and perfecting all the capacities that were put in play in this sequence of intelligent actions.

Figure-Knowledge flow in an intelligent system.

INGENIOS (Cognitive & Rational Intelligent Components)

From the?Intelligent Systems Design?approach, a brain activity?involves the mobilization of resources that I call "Ingenios", to a specific configuration according to the purpose. These resources provide support to all processes caused by internal or external stimulus, like objectives, results of other thoughts or genetic condition.

These resources or "Ingenios” are divided into two types:

1.Cognitive Ingenios: Resources inherent in every human that provide similar abilities to all human beings and are in the physiological basis of our brain, genetically determined but with the capacity of natural or deliberate development.

2.Rational Ingenios: Man-made resources that allows to organize, optimize and evaluate the thought processes. These resources also allow certain tasks to be easily and replicated on?hardware, software?and wetware devices.

As?Minsky?argues: "Each of our major ways to think results from turning certain resources on while turning certain others off, and thus changing some ways that our brains behave".

Contrary to popular belief and what some "gurus of simplicity" broadcast, the set of cognitive and?rational resources that are activated both when a person falls in love or to make a business decision, are similar in their basis, but with a configuration completely different in structure and sequence, while another set of resources are disactivated.

In this sense, we can define emotions as specific processes of thought aimed at strengthening other processes of thought of different sign. We will call the emotions from now on as cognitive abilities.

Intelligent Systems Design,?involve a global reflection on all cognitive and rational resources that must come together in a consistent format.

Example of redesign of a multi-source information retrieval system:

Intelligent Systems Design allows to self-restructuring the way we perceive, understand, interpret, comprehend, act and influence the real world, and promotes the development and improvement of psychological, physiological and biochemical structures of the brain.

Intelligent software systems

Traditional software systems, are the product of a superficial analysis of the needs of individuals and organizations.

It uses available technologies as endogenous and autistic elements, capable of covering design deficiencies if this element has been considered.

The people of the organization are ignored in their reality and transformed into archetypes called euphemistically "user", whose capacity and endurance stretch as the capabilities of the system development team diminish.

They are cheaper systems initially in their construction because they obviate the essential phases of the design, they use variations of other developments since they do not usually have theoretical reference models, design identity and non-stop innovation systems.

They have a low impact on organizations which makes users who are not in favor of change more comfortable because the system essentially does not change.

They obtain a degree of low satisfaction in the precursors and financiers of the same one for not having defined very well the behavior through the pertinent prototyping and not having a formal definition of functional and technical specifications that clearly gather what the system will do and how it will do it .

The learning curve is short, but the real knowledge transfer is very small and identifies the software system as a personal or corporate tool and not as a new way of thinking, operating and organizing to be more efficient and cooperative.

Traditional attributes of software systems or software-based devices: selfish and discourteous (no intelligent software), bad software:

He forgets me.

He is lazy.

He is miserly with information.

It is inflexible.

He blames me for his mistakes and limitations.

He is not responsible.

He does not care about my goals.

It makes me feel silly.

I get bored.

It takes a long time to gratify me.

It wants to be the center of the situations and of my time.

He does not communicate everything he knows how to do.

Most of what you do is not good for my real goals.

It seduces and imposes on me other objectives that are not useful for my personal and vital development.

Software of gentle and altruistic behavior (intelligent software)

There are two attributes of intelligence that can be observed externally and that measure the degree of evolution of the same, these are, courtesy in the first place and altruism as the supreme expression of intelligent behavior:

Without entering into philosophical considerations, we could easily define courtesy as the behavior that allows all participants in an event to feel comfortable with each other, and we could also define as altruism that behavior that benefits others, is voluntary and whose author does not anticipate benefits for himself.

Attributes of a "Gentle Software":

He is interested in me.

He has deference to me.

Has initiative.

He has common sense.

It anticipates my needs.

He answers me in any circumstance.

He is reserved about his internal problems.

He is always well informed.

It is perceptive.

He has confidence in himself.

It does not lose orientation.

It is flexible .

It gives me immediate gratification.

Is trustworthy.

Attributes of an "Altruistic Software":

It adapts to my cultural and technological deficiencies.

It focuses on my problems.

It endorses my goals.

It strives and evolves to improve.

It detects threats and risks that can affect me.

It informs me of the opportunities he offers me.

It becomes stronger in emergency situations.

It makes me a better person.

It offers its capabilities to other systems to add without a desire for protagonism.


Currently I have been working on the gradual design of a repository of "Ingenios" that serve for the rapid prototyping of intelligent systems. From the?SAGEORGS model?created by me (organizational intelligent system), I am defining hardware, software and knowledge components that can implement different configurations of dual intelligent systems (cognitive-rational).

If you are interested in my approaches to designing intelligent systems, please contact me through the LinkedIn email.

LMT "The Druid"-2023


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