Intelligent Investments - Trading Algorithms Using Data Science
Kalilur Rahman
Technology Transformation Leader| Author | Director @ Novartis | Ex-Accenture/Cognizant/TCS | Life Long Learner | Quizzer | Mentor | Influencer | Operations | Consulting | Quality Engineering | AI |Tech | Pharma | Telco
I had a chance to complete a few courses in Coursera, thanks to the excellent learning ambience I have with my current employer. This was done over a few weeks during weekends and free time available.
This article covers how we can leverage the power of Data Science and Python to evaluate the performances of stocks. For this 2-article post, I am taking two groups of stocks. One for the top performing stocks in the US and second for some of the bellwether stocks from Indian Stock market. Based on the knowledge gained in the course and the top ratios used by investment bankers for predicting the performance of the stocks, these stocks are compared. The code written is very basic with a "first outcome" basis and has scope for optimization and fine-tuning.
The comparative study of Leading Stocks was done for 3 time periods
3 Way Comparison
- Data from 1-Jan-2015- 12-Sep-2020
- Data from 1-Sep 2019 to 31-Aug 2020
- Data from 1-Oct-2019 to 1-Sep-2020
This comparison will give us an indication on how the following stocks performed
- Amazon - 'AMZN'
- Apple - 'AAPL'
- Alphabet / Google - 'GOOG'
- Facebook - 'FB'
- Microsoft - 'MSFT'
Above 5 - FAAAM or FAMGA stocks are the baseline and
- Netflix - 'NFLX'
- NVidia - 'NVDA'
- Tesla - 'TSLA'
Above 3 stocks are the referential comparison stocks.
Let us see how these stocks have performed.
- Adjusted performance of the stocks for the last 5 years - NVIDIA, AMAZON and TESLA are the leaders of the pact. NVIDIA has a 20x+ returns in the last 5 years!
- Adjusted performance of the FAMGA stocks for the last 5 years - AMAZON Microsoft and Apple are the leaders of the pact and Google is catching up albeit a 2x+ returns
If we see performance of the stocks in correlation with others, we see the following pattern.
- Google and Microsoft are the most correlated pair of stocks in the 8
- Tesla and Netflix are the most non-correlated pair of stocks. Tesla is the odd-man out of this group!
- Microsoft is correlated reasonably to Apple and Amazon
- Amazon is better correlated to Facebook than Apple!
In terms of the Risk Vs Returns of the stocks, NVIDIA is a strong performer, followed by TESLA, AMAZON, NETFLIX, MICROSOFT, APPLE , FACEBOOK and GOOGLE.
Google has the lowest risk profile followed by Microsoft, Apple and Amazon. Tesla has the highest risk profile followed by NVIDIA.
Overall summary for the 5 years for the FAMGA Stocks look like the following
This is totally inline with the performances of the key stocks. Some points to note is that various parameters have some leaders and laggards purely based on data and the parameters we compare against. What is very evident is the whether it is systemic or unsystemic risk, performances of the stock in terms of various ratios - Sharpe, Adjusted Sharpe, Burke, Martin, Modigliani, Sortino, Alpha, Beta etc., all these 5 stocks are blockbusters so far. So are the other 3 Netflix, NVIDIA an Tesla. There are some foundational and technical challenges for each of these, but being at the front always, these stocks are clear winners! I am not including all the images / graphs here. Will try to include one in the next post as a cumulative view.
The attached markdown files and PDFs have the comprehensive analysis for those who are interested to read.
More in the next post that covers the Indian Stock market bellwethers.
What do you think?
I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did writing. I am all ears to hear from you. Caring is sharing. Feel free to like, share or comment on what you think! Please tag me if you forward this for relevance.
Credits: Header and most of the images are designed using Canva. The course was tried out at Coursera and GitHub is used for storage purposes. All other linked quotes and images available freely on the Public Internet. Respective trademarks owned by corresponding firms. Quotes are freely available in the Internet. Opinions highlighted are from a personal experience standpoint and in no way reflect the views of my current or past employers or clients.
#WhatInspiresMe #datascience #trading #investment #algorithmictrading #KRPoints #topperformingstocks #technicalanalysisusingpython #investmentadvice #investmentportfolio
Coursera Course - Trading Strategies in Emerging Markets @ Indian School of Business - Thanks Novartis!
Follow-up Note (Source Code and Detailed Summary):
Part-3 of the analysis (last 1 year performance) - in PDF Format
The Python code snippet extracted from the Jupyter Notebook is as follows.
# coding: utf-8# # Indian School of Business - Trading Specialization Course # ## A comparative study of Leading Stocks # ### 3 Way Comparison - # #### Data from 2015-2020 - End of October # #### Data from 1 year 1-Sep 2019 to 31-Aug 2020 # #### Data from 1-Jan-2010 to 12-Sep-2020 # # This comparison will give us an indication on hoe the following stocks performed <br> # # 1. **Amazon** - __'AMZN'__ # 2. **Apple** - __'AAPL'__ # 3. **Alphabet / Google** - __'GOOG'__ # 4. **Facebook** - __'FB'__ # 5. **Microsoft** - __'MSFT'__ # 6. **Netflix** - __'NFLX'__ # 7. **NVidia** - __'NVDA'__ # 8. **Tesla** - __'TSLA'__ # # In[1]: import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math import seaborn as sns get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") from pandas_datareader import data as pdr #!pip install fix_yahoo_finance --user #import fix_yahoo_finance as yf import yfinance as yf yf.pdr_override() # In[2]: symbols = ['AMZN','AAPL', 'GOOG', 'FB', 'MSFT', 'NFLX', 'NVDA','TSLA'] symbols_2 = ['AMZN','AAPL', 'GOOG', 'FB', 'MSFT'] # In[3]: start = '2015-09-13' end = '2020-09-12' # In[4]: data = pdr.get_data_yahoo(symbols, start, end)['Adj Close'] data2= pdr.get_data_yahoo(symbols_2, start, end)['Adj Close'] # In[5]: data.head(10) # In[6]: data2.head(10) # In[7]: data.columns # In[8]: data.describe() # In[9]: data2.describe() # In[10]: #for symbol in symbols: # df = pdr.get_data_yahoo(symbols, start, end)['Adj Close'] normalize_stocks = data.apply(lambda x: x / x[0]) normalize_stocks.plot(figsize=(12,6)).axhline(1, lw=1, color='black') plt.xlabel("Date") plt.ylabel("Adj Close") plt.grid() plt.title("Stocks Adj Close Price") # In[11]: data.plot(figsize=(16,10)) # In[12]: #for symbol in symbols: # df = pdr.get_data_yahoo(symbols, start, end)['Adj Close'] normalize_stocks = data2.apply(lambda x: x / x[0]) normalize_stocks.plot(figsize=(12,6)).axhline(1, lw=1, color='black') plt.xlabel("Date") plt.ylabel("Adj Close") plt.grid() plt.title("Stocks Adj Close Price") # In[13]: data2.plot(figsize=(16,10)) # In[14]: # ['AAPL', 'GOOG', 'FB', 'MSFT', 'NFLX', 'TSLA'] corr_rest = data.corr() corr_rest # In[15]: # Top 5 corr_rest = data2.corr() corr_rest # In[16]: corr_rest = data.corr() # In[17]: pair_value = corr_rest.abs().unstack() pair_value.sort_values(ascending = False) # In[18]: corr_rest['AAPL'].sort_values(ascending=False) # In[19]: corr_rest['GOOG'].sort_values(ascending=False) # In[20]: corr_rest['FB'].sort_values(ascending=False) # In[21]: corr_rest['MSFT'].sort_values(ascending=False) # In[22]: corr_rest['NFLX'].sort_values(ascending=False) # In[23]: corr_rest['TSLA'].sort_values(ascending=False) # In[24]: corr_rest['AMZN'].sort_values(ascending=False) # In[25]: corr_rest['NVDA'].sort_values(ascending=False) # In[26]: #!pip install #from plotting import scatter_matrix from pandas.plotting import scatter_matrix scatter_matrix(corr_rest, figsize=(16,12), alpha=0.3) # In[27]: # Returns for symbol in symbols: returns = data.pct_change() returns.head() # In[28]: returns = returns.dropna() # In[29]: sns.pairplot(returns[1:]) # In[30]: # Worst Single Day Returns returns.idxmin() # In[31]: # BEst Single Day Returns returns.idxmax() # In[32]: def plot_bar_chart(pd_df,plot_value,plot_title): plotdata = pd_df.DataFrame(plot_value) # Plot a bar chart my_colors = 'gbymc' #red, green, blue, black, etc. my_colors_t = 'Spectral' #'GnBu' #GreenBlue'seaborn-dark-palette') plotdata.plot(kind="bar",cmap=my_colors_t, color=my_colors, title=plot_title,legend=None) # In[33]: returns.std() #pd_df = pd.DataFrame(returns.std()) #plot_bar_chart(pd_df,returns.std(),"Standard Returns") # In[34]: sns.pairplot(returns.dropna()) # In[35]: returns_fig = sns.PairGrid(returns.dropna())# Using map_upper to specify upper triangle scatter plots. returns_fig.map_upper(plt.scatter,color='seagreen',alpha=0.5)# Using lower triangle for kde plot returns_fig.map_lower(sns.kdeplot,cmap='coolwarm')# diagonal will be a series of histogram plots of the daily return returns_fig.map_diag(plt.hist,bins=30, alpha=0.6) # In[36]: sns.heatmap(returns.corr(),annot=True) # In[37]: rest_rets = returns.corr() rest_rets # In[38]: #Plot Scatter Matrix scatter_matrix(rest_rets, figsize=(16,10)) # In[39]: rest_rets.hist(bins=15, figsize=(16,12)) # In[40]: rets = returns.dropna() area = np.pi*20 plt.figure(figsize=(16,8)) plt.scatter(rets.mean(), rets.std(),alpha = 0.5,s =area)# Set the x and y limits of the plot plt.ylim([0.0,0.04]) plt.xlim([0.0,0.005])#Set the plot titles for x and y axis plt.xlabel('Expected returns') plt.ylabel('Risk') plt.title("Risk vs. Expected Returns") for label, x, y in zip(rets.columns, rets.mean(), rets.std()): plt.annotate( label, xy = (x, y), xytext = (50, 50), textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'right', va = 'bottom', arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle = '-', connectionstyle = 'arc3,rad=-0.3')) # In[41]: rest_rets = returns.corr() pair_value = rest_rets.abs().unstack() pair_value.sort_values(ascending = False) # In[42]: # Normalized Returns Data Normalized_Value = ((returns[:] - returns[:].min()) /(returns[:].max() - returns[:].min())) Normalized_Value.head() # In[43]: Normalized_Value.corr() # In[44]: normalized_rets = Normalized_Value.corr() normalized_pair_value = normalized_rets.abs().unstack() normalized_pair_value.sort_values(ascending = False) # In[45]: #symbols = ['AAPL','AMZN', 'GOOG', 'FB', 'MSFT', 'NFLX', 'TSLA','NVDA'] stocks = ['GOOG', 'AAPL', 'MSFT', 'AMZN','FB'] # In[46]: relate_industry = pdr.get_data_yahoo(stocks, start, end)["Adj Close"] # In[47]: relate_industry.head() # In[48]: relate_ind_summary=relate_industry.describe() relate_industry.describe() # In[49]: sns.heatmap(relate_ind_summary,annot=True,cmap='RdYlBu_r', fmt='g') # In[50]: #for stock in stocks: # df = pdr.get_data_yahoo(symbols, start, end)['Adj Close'] normalize_stocks = relate_industry.apply(lambda x: x / x[0]) normalize_stocks.plot(figsize=(12,6)).axhline(1, lw=1, color='black') plt.xlabel("Date") plt.ylabel("Adj Close") plt.grid() plt.title("Stocks Adj Close Price") # In[51]: corr_tech= relate_industry.corr() corr_tech # In[52]: sns.heatmap(corr_tech,annot=True) # In[53]: AAPL = data AAPL = AAPL.assign(AAPL = relate_industry['AAPL'].values) AAPL.head() # In[54]: AAPL_rets = AAPL.pct_change().dropna() AAPL_rets.head() # In[55]: AAPL_rets.corr() # In[56]: AAPL_rets = AAPL_rets.corr() pair_value_1 = AAPL_rets.abs().unstack() pair_value_1.sort_values(ascending = False) # In[57]: GOOG = data GOOG = GOOG.assign(GOOG = relate_industry['GOOG'].values) GOOG.head() # In[58]: GOOG_rets = GOOG.pct_change().dropna() GOOG_rets.head() # In[59]: GOOG_rets.corr() # In[60]: GOOG_rets = GOOG_rets.corr() pair_value_2 = GOOG_rets.abs().unstack() pair_value_2.sort_values(ascending = False) # In[61]: MSFT = pd.concat([data, relate_industry['MSFT']], axis=1) MSFT.head() # In[62]: MSFT_rets = MSFT.pct_change().dropna() MSFT_rets.head() # In[63]: MSFT_rets.corr() # In[64]: MSFT_rets = MSFT_rets.corr() pair_value_3 = MSFT_rets.abs().unstack() pair_value_3.sort_values(ascending = False) # In[65]: FB = pd.concat([data, relate_industry['FB']], axis=1) FB.head() # In[66]: FB_rets = FB.pct_change().dropna() FB_rets.head() # In[67]: FB_rets.corr() # In[68]: FB_rets = FB_rets.corr() pair_value_4 = FB_rets.abs().unstack() pair_value_4.sort_values(ascending = False) # In[69]: AMZN = pd.concat([data, relate_industry['AMZN']], axis=1) AMZN.head() # In[70]: AMZN_rets = AMZN.pct_change().dropna() AMZN_rets.head() # In[71]: AMZN_rets.corr() # In[72]: AMZN_rets = AMZN_rets.corr() pair_value_5 = AMZN_rets.abs().unstack() pair_value_5.sort_values(ascending = False) # ### Z-Value Rules Strategies # #### To confirm when to enter and exit a position of pairs trading, mean spread and standard deviation of formation period should be calculated first, based on this data, calculate each day’s price spread and Z-Score. # #### Entry: When the absolute value of Z-Score more than 1, enter a position by buying stock with lower price and selling the higher one. # #### Exit: When the absolute value of Z-Score less than -1, exit the position by selling the stock with lower price and buying the higher one. # # In[73]: import statsmodels from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import coint S1 = relate_industry['AAPL'] S2 = data['MSFT'] score, pvalue, _ = coint(S1, S2) print(pvalue) ratios = S1 / S2 ratios.plot() plt.axhline(ratios.mean()) plt.legend(['Ratio']) # In[74]: S1 = data['AAPL'] S2 = data['GOOG'] score, pvalue, _ = coint(S1, S2) print(pvalue) ratios = S1 / S2 ratios.plot() plt.axhline(ratios.mean()) plt.legend(['Ratio']) # In[75]: S1 = data['AAPL'] S2 = data['AMZN'] score, pvalue, _ = coint(S1, S2) print(pvalue) ratios = S1 / S2 ratios.plot() plt.axhline(ratios.mean()) plt.legend(['Ratio']) # In[76]: def zscore(series): return (series - series.mean()) / np.std(series) # In[77]: zscore(ratios).plot() plt.axhline(zscore(ratios).mean()) plt.axhline(1.0, color='red') plt.axhline(-1.0, color='green') # In[78]: zscore(ratios).plot(figsize=(14,8)) plt.axhline(zscore(ratios).mean(), color='black') plt.axhline(1.0, c='r', ls='--') plt.axhline(-1.0, c='g', ls='--') plt.legend(['Spread z-score', 'Mean', '+1', '-1']) # In[79]: ratios = relate_industry['GOOG'] / data['AAPL'] print(len(ratios)) # In[80]: ratios = data['AAPL'] / data['GOOG'] print(len(ratios)) # In[81]: ratios = data['AAPL'] / data['AMZN'] print(len(ratios)) # # Pair Measurements # # Alpha\t # # Beta\t\t # # Volatility\t # # Sharpe Ratios\t # # Treynor Measure\t\t # # Appraisal\t\t # # M square\t # # T square # # Jensen Measure # # Sortino Ratios # # Total Return # # Beta of market # # Beta of portfolio# In[82]: # Market Data TSLA TSLA ='TSLA',start,end)['Adj Close'] TSLA.head() # In[83]: TSLA.rets = TSLA.pct_change(1).dropna() # In[84]: TSLA_risk = TSLA.std() TSLA_risk # In[85]: rf = 0.018 # risk free rate excess_returns_1 = relate_industry['AAPL'].pct_change(1).dropna() - rf excess_returns_1.head() # In[86]: excess_returns_2 = data['GOOG'].pct_change(1).dropna() - rf excess_returns_3 = data['MSFT'].pct_change(1).dropna() - rf excess_returns_4 = data['FB'].pct_change(1).dropna() - rf excess_returns_5 = data['AMZN'].pct_change(1).dropna() - rf # In[87]: ret = pd.concat([relate_industry['AAPL'].pct_change(1).dropna(), data['GOOG'].pct_change(1).dropna(), data['MSFT'].pct_change(1).dropna(), data['FB'].pct_change(1).dropna(), data['AMZN'].pct_change(1).dropna()] , axis=1) ret.head() # In[88]: excess_returns = pd.concat([excess_returns_1, excess_returns_2, excess_returns_3, excess_returns_4,excess_returns_5],axis=1) excess_returns.head() # In[89]: excess_returns.mean() print(np.dtype(excess_returns.mean())) plot_bar_chart(pd,excess_returns.mean(),"Excesss Returns Mean") # In[90]: excess_returns.std() plot_bar_chart(pd,excess_returns.std(),"Excesss Returns Std") # In[91]: sharpe_ratio = excess_returns.mean()/excess_returns.std() print('Sharpe Ratio:') sharpe_ratio plot_bar_chart(pd,sharpe_ratio,"Sharpe Ratio") print(sharpe_ratio) # In[92]: from scipy import stats beta, alpha, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(relate_industry['MSFT'].pct_change(1).dropna(), TSLA.rets.dropna()) print("MSFT and TSLA") print("Beta: %f" , beta) print("Alpha: %f" % alpha) print("R-Squared: %f" % r_value) print("p-value: %f" % p_value) print("Standard Error: %f" % std_err) # In[93]: beta, alpha, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(data['AAPL'].pct_change(1).dropna(), TSLA.rets) print("AAPL and TSLA") print("Beta: %f" , beta) print("Alpha: %f" % alpha) print("R-Squared: %f" % r_value) print("p-value: %f" % p_value) print("Standard Error: %f" % std_err) # In[94]: beta, alpha, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(data['GOOG'].pct_change(1).dropna(), TSLA.rets) print("GOOG and TSLA") print("Beta: %f" , beta) print("Alpha: %f" % alpha) print("R-Squared: %f" % r_value) print("p-value: %f" % p_value) print("Standard Error: %f" % std_err) # In[95]: beta, alpha, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(data['FB'].pct_change(1).dropna(), TSLA.rets) print("FB and TSLA") print("Beta: %f" , beta) print("Alpha: %f" % alpha) print("R-Squared: %f" % r_value) print("p-value: %f" % p_value) print("Standard Error: %f" % std_err) # In[96]: beta, alpha, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(data['NFLX'].pct_change(1).dropna(), TSLA.rets) print("NFLX and TSLA") print("Beta: %f" , beta) print("Alpha: %f" % alpha) print("R-Squared: %f" % r_value) print("p-value: %f" % p_value) print("Standard Error: %f" % std_err) # In[97]: beta, alpha, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(data['AMZN'].pct_change(1).dropna(), TSLA.rets) print("AMZN and TSLA") print("Beta: %f" , beta) print("Alpha: %f" % alpha) print("R-Squared: %f" % r_value) print("p-value: %f" % p_value) print("Standard Error: %f" % std_err) # In[98]: beta, alpha, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(data['NVDA'].pct_change(1).dropna(), TSLA.rets) print("NVDA and TSLA") print("Beta: %f" , beta) print("Alpha: %f" % alpha) print("R-Squared: %f" % r_value) print("p-value: %f" % p_value) print("Standard Error: %f" % std_err) # In[99]: rf = 0.018 mrk_rate_ret = (TSLA.rets[-1] -TSLA.rets[0])/ TSLA.rets[0] m = np.matrix([ret['AAPL'], TSLA.rets]) beta = np.cov(m)[0][1] / np.std(TSLA.rets) er = rf + beta*(mrk_rate_ret-rf) tr = (er - rf) / beta print('Treynor Ratio: ', tr) # In[100]: # Beta from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter print("Beta:") beta_arr = [] for column in ret: mrk_rate_ret = (TSLA.rets[-1] -TSLA.rets[0])/ TSLA.rets[0] m = np.matrix([ret[column], TSLA.rets]) beta = np.cov(m)[0][1] / np.std(TSLA.rets) print(ret[column].name,beta) beta_arr.append(beta) print(beta_arr) plot_bar_chart(pd,beta_arr,"Beta") # In[101]: # Alpha print("Alpha:") alpha_arr=[] for column in ret: m = np.matrix([ret[column], TSLA.rets]) beta = np.cov(m)[0][1] / np.std(TSLA.rets) alpha = np.mean(ret[column]) - beta * np.mean(TSLA.rets) print(ret[column].name, alpha) alpha_arr.append(alpha) print(alpha_arr) plot_bar_chart(pd,alpha_arr,"Alpha") # In[102]: # Unsystematic Risk or Total Risk Close = pd.concat([relate_industry['AAPL'], data['MSFT'], data['AMZN'], data['GOOG'], data['FB']], axis=1) # Close = AdjClose.applymap(float) Stock_risk = Close.std() Unsystematic_risk = Stock_risk - beta*TSLA_risk print('Unsystematic Risk:') print(Unsystematic_risk) plot_bar_chart(pd,Unsystematic_risk,"Unsystematic Risk") # In[103]: # Treynor Ratio print("Treynor Ratio:") treynor_arr=[] for column in ret: mrk_rate_ret = (TSLA.rets[-1] - TSLA.rets[0])/ TSLA.rets[0] m = np.matrix([ret[column], TSLA.rets]) beta = np.cov(m)[0][1] / np.std(TSLA.rets) er = rf + beta*(mrk_rate_ret-rf) tr = (er - rf) / beta print(ret[column].name,tr) treynor_arr.append(tr) print(treynor_arr) plot_bar_chart(pd,treynor_arr,"Treynor Ratio") # In[104]: # Modigliani Ratio, M2 print("Modigliani Ratio:") mod_arr=[] for column in ret: rf = 0.018 mrk_rate_ret = (TSLA.rets[-1] - TSLA.rets[0])/ TSLA.rets[0] m = np.matrix([ret[column], TSLA.rets]) beta = np.cov(m)[0][1] / np.std(TSLA.rets) er = rf + beta*(mrk_rate_ret-rf) np_rf = np.empty(len(ret)) np_rf.fill(rf) rdiff = ret[column] - np_rf bdiff = TSLA.rets - np_rf mr = (er - rf) * np.std(rdiff) / np.std(bdiff) + rf print(ret[column].name,mr) mod_arr.append(mr) print(mod_arr) plot_bar_chart(pd,mod_arr,"Modigliani Ratio") # In[105]: print("Information Ratio:") ir_arr=[] for column in ret: diff = ret[column] - TSLA.rets ir = np.mean(diff) / np.std(diff) print(ret[column].name, ir) ir_arr.append(ir) print(ir_arr) plot_bar_chart(pd,ir_arr,"Information Ratio") # In[106]: print('Omega Ratio:') or_arr = [] for column in ret: annual_return_threshhold = 0.0 returns = ret[column] daily_return_thresh = pow(1 + annual_return_threshhold, 1 / 252) - 1 returns_less_thresh = returns - daily_return_thresh numer = sum(returns_less_thresh[returns_less_thresh > 0.0]) denom = -1.0 * sum(returns_less_thresh[returns_less_thresh < 0.0]) if denom > 0.0: omega_ratio = numer / denom else: print('none') print(ret[column].name, omega_ratio) or_arr.append(omega_ratio) print(or_arr) plot_bar_chart(pd,or_arr,"Omega Ratio") # In[107]: print('Sortino Ratio:') so_arr=[] for column in ret: returns = ret[column] numer = pow((1 + returns.mean()), 252) - 1 annual_volatility = returns.std() * np.sqrt(252) denom = annual_volatility if denom > 0.0: sortino_ratio = numer / denom else: print('none') print(ret[column].name, sortino_ratio) so_arr.append(sortino_ratio) print(so_arr) plot_bar_chart(pd,so_arr,"Sortino Ratio") # In[108]: print("Calmar Ratio:") cr_arr=[] for column in ret: rf = 0.018 mrk_rate_ret = (TSLA.rets[-1] - TSLA.rets[0])/ TSLA.rets[0] m = np.matrix([ret[column], TSLA.rets]) beta = np.cov(m)[0][1] / np.std(TSLA.rets) er = rf + beta*(mrk_rate_ret-rf) max_dd = 1.0 - (ret[column] / np.maximum.accumulate(ret[column])).min() calmar_r = (er - rf) / max_dd print(ret[column].name, calmar_r) cr_arr.append(calmar_r) print(cr_arr) plot_bar_chart(pd,cr_arr,"Calmar Ratio") # In[109]: print("Sterling Ratio:") sr_arr=[] for column in ret: rf = 0.018 mrk_rate_ret = (TSLA.rets[-1] - TSLA.rets[0])/ TSLA.rets[0] m = np.matrix([ret[column], TSLA.rets]) beta = np.cov(m)[0][1] / np.std(TSLA.rets) er = rf + beta*(mrk_rate_ret-rf) average_dd = 1.0 - (ret[column] / np.maximum.accumulate(ret[column])).mean() sterling_r = (er - rf) / average_dd print(ret[column].name, sterling_r) sr_arr.append(sterling_r) print(sr_arr) plot_bar_chart(pd,sr_arr,"Sterling Ratio") # In[110]: print("Appraisal Ratio:") appraisal_ratio = alpha / Unsystematic_risk print(appraisal_ratio) plot_bar_chart(pd,appraisal_ratio,"Appraisal Ratio") # In[111]: print("Burke Ratio:") br_arr=[] for column in ret: returns = ret[column] rf = 0.018 mrk_rate_ret = (TSLA.rets[-1] - TSLA.rets[0])/ TSLA.rets[0] m = np.matrix([returns, TSLA.rets]) beta = np.cov(m)[0][1] / np.std(TSLA.rets) er = rf + beta*(mrk_rate_ret-rf) average_dd_squared = 1.0 - ((returns / np.maximum.accumulate(returns)).mean())**2 round_average_dd = round(average_dd_squared,4) burke_r = (er - rf) /math.sqrt(abs(round_average_dd)) print(ret[column].name, burke_r) br_arr.append(burke_r) print(br_arr) plot_bar_chart(pd,br_arr,"Burke Ratio") # In[112]: # Ulcer Index 14 days max14 = Close.rolling(window=14,min_periods=1).max() drawdown_percent = 100*((Close-max14)/max14) avg_sq = round(drawdown_percent * drawdown_percent, 2) Ulcer = np.sqrt(avg_sq.rolling(window=14).mean()) Ulcer_index = Ulcer.dropna() Ulcer_index.head() # In[113]: # Martin Ratio print('Martin Ratio:') rf = 0.018 annual_return = returns.mean() * 252 martin_ratio = (annual_return - rf) / Ulcer_index.sum() print(martin_ratio) plot_bar_chart(pd,martin_ratio,"Martin Ratio") # In[114]:# Pain Index max14 = Close.rolling(window=14,min_periods=1).max() drawdown = 100*((Close-max14)/max14) pain = drawdown.rolling(window=14).mean() pain_index = pain.dropna() pain_index.head() # In[115]: # Pain Ratio print('Pain Ratio:') rf = 0.018 annual_return = returns.mean() * 252 pain_ratio = (annual_return - rf) / pain_index.sum() print(pain_ratio) plot_bar_chart(pd,pain_ratio,"Pain Ratio") # In[116]: from scipy.stats import kurtosis, skew # In[117]: print("Skewness:") sk_arr=[] for column in ret: stock_skewness = skew(ret[column]) print(ret[column].name, stock_skewness) sk_arr.append(stock_skewness) print(sk_arr) plot_bar_chart(pd,sk_arr,"Stock Skewness") # In[118]: print("Kurtosis:") sku_arr=[] for column in ret: stock_kurtosis = kurtosis(ret[column]) print(ret[column].name, stock_kurtosis) sku_arr.append(stock_kurtosis) print(sku_arr) plot_bar_chart(pd,sku_arr,"Stock Kurtosis") # In[119]: # Adjusted Sharpe Ratio print("Adjusted Sharpe Ratio:") Adj_SR = sharpe_ratio * (1 + (stock_skewness / 6.0) * sharpe_ratio + (stock_kurtosis - 3) / 24.0 * sharpe_ratio**2) print(Adj_SR) plot_bar_chart(pd,Adj_SR,"Adjusted Sharpe Ratio") # In[120]: # Downside Risk downside_risk = ret[ret < ret.mean()].std(skipna = True) * np.sqrt(252) downside_risk plot_bar_chart(pd,downside_risk,"Downside Risk") # In[121]: # Upside Risk upside_risk = ret[ret > ret.mean()].std(skipna = True) * np.sqrt(252) upside_risk plot_bar_chart(pd,upside_risk,"Upside Risk") # In[122]:print("Bernado Ledoit Ratio:") blr_arr=[] for column in ret: mrk_rate_ret = (TSLA.rets[-1] -TSLA.rets[0])/ TSLA.rets[0] m = np.matrix([ret[column], TSLA.rets]) beta = np.cov(m)[0][1] / np.std(TSLA.rets) er = rf + beta*(mrk_rate_ret-rf) target = 0 # ret = np.array(ret) threshold = 0.0 order = 1 threshold_array = np.empty(len(ret)) threshold_array.fill(threshold) diff = ret[column] - threshold_array diff = diff.clip() hpm = sum(diff ** order) / len(ret) diff_1 = threshold_array - ret[column] diff_1 = diff.clip() lpm = sum(diff_1 ** order) / len(ret) gain_loss = hpm / lpm print(ret[column].name, gain_loss) blr_arr.append(gain_loss) print(blr_arr) plot_bar_chart(pd,blr_arr,"Bernado Ledoit Ratio") # In[123]: print("Value at Risk(VaR):") var_arr=[] for column in ret: returns = ret[column] sorted_returns = np.sort(returns) index = int(alpha * len(sorted_returns)) VaR = abs(sorted_returns[index]) print(ret[column].name, VaR) var_arr.append(VaR) print(var_arr) plot_bar_chart(pd,var_arr,"Value at Risk Ratio") # In[124]: print("Conditional VaR:") cvar_arr=[] for column in ret: returns = ret[column] sorted_returns = np.sort(returns) index = int(alpha * len(sorted_returns)) sum_var = sorted_returns[0] for i in range(0, index): sum_var += sorted_returns[i] CVaR = abs(sum_var / index) print(ret[column].name, CVaR) cvar_arr.append(CVaR) print(cvar_arr) plot_bar_chart(pd,cvar_arr,"Conditional Value at Risk Ratio") # In[125]: # Cumulative print("Cumulative:") for column in ret: returns = ret[column] cum_ret = returns.cumsum() print(cum_ret.head()) # In[126]: cum_ret = ret.cumsum() cum_ret.head() # In[127]: from numpy import where, mean avg_ret = mean(ret) avg_ret plot_bar_chart(pd,avg_ret,"Average Returns") # In[128]: returns = avg_ret avg_win = returns.where(returns > 0, 0) print(avg_win) plot_bar_chart(pd,avg_win,"Average Wins") # In[129]: avg_loss = returns.where(returns <= 0, 0) print(avg_loss) plot_bar_chart(pd,avg_loss,"Average Loss") def plot_bars_sns(data_map, title, xlab, ylab, plotter): """Barplot using seaborn backend. :param data_map: A dictionary of labels and values. :param title: Plot title. :param xlab: X axis label. :param ylab: Y axis label. :param plotter: A instance. """ data = pd.DataFrame({'Value': list(data_map.values()), 'Label': list(data_map.keys()), 'x': np.arange(len(data_map))}) ax = sns.barplot(x="x", y="Value", hue="Label", data ?=data, hue_order=list(data_map.keys())) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel(xlab) ax.set_ylabel(ylab) ax.set_xticks([]) plotter.pages.savefig() plotter.plt.clf()
Leveraging Python, SQL, Power BI and Excel to optimize $8M in investments, flag risks, and drive returns.
8 个月Great post Kalilur! This is something I have been working on! In fact I created a Python program that tells you the proportion of funds you should invest in each of the securities that would give you the best return for the minimum possible risk based on a measure called the return-volatility ratio. I love what I am learning to do and want to make a career out of it here in the US...any insights on how I can do that?
Head Aggregates BusinessI Ultratech Cement |Ex Ever Enviro,Larsen & Toubro,Metso Minerals,Atlas Copco, Robo Sand ,GroundProbe,ConstructionDemolition waste,Crushing,Screening,Mining,BuildingMaterials.Views are Personal
4 年Great read Kalilur Rahman
?? Award-Winning Executive Branding Specialist | I Help Executives Build a C-Suite Personal Brand | Founder & CEO - The Executive Brand | Advisor To The Royal Office UAE | International Speaker
4 年Very insightful Kalilur Rahman