Intelligent Infrastructure Standards
Autonomy Institute
Mobilizing Private $Capital to Underwrite Intelligent Infrastructure Economic Zones - Building a Stronger Nation for All
Intelligent Infrastructure (the foundation of ARPA-I) goes well beyond transportation and will be the brains of our economy. Providing advanced city services, resilient and carbon-free economies, closing the technology divide, enabling autonomous systems, and most important; securing data for people, cities, and governments. Creating millions of new jobs and economic growth nationwide.
The Autonomy Institute has engaged IEEE Standards Association | IEEE SA and IEEE-ISTO to develop the Intelligent Infrastructure standards, for the liberty poles of the 21st century. There are over a dozen standards around the Inclusive Intelligent Infrastructure (I3-GRID).?Intelligent Infrastructure has many parallels to the 19" Rack invented by Bell Labs in 1922. Bell Labs transitioned the standards to Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) in 1924, then in the 90s, they moved under the Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) which IEEE is the United States partner.
Historical Reference: Data centers provided the neutral host real estate that became evergreen. Meaning; we could continually upgrade these facilities with the newest compute, storage, network, and devices.
The Sidewalk needs an EVERGREEN PLAN to support technologies today, tomorrow, and for decades to come. Public Infrastructure Network Nodes (PINNs) will be as foundational as transformers on the electrical grid or traffic lights to roadways. A more direct comparison can be made to the “rack-mounting system invented in 1922 by Bell Labs. This standard has been the foundation of the last 100 years of technology buildout within our offices, data centers, cell towers, and just about every location using critical technology. The success of our nation depends on a new national buildout of Intelligent Infrastructure at the edge of our sidewalks,?highways, and communities. These deployments will be predominantly paid for by private industry in collaboration with municipal and community leadership.
Time to Build the Infrastructure for the Next 100 Years.
“The great economic revolutions in history are infrastructure revolutions” Jeremy Rifkin, Founder of the Foundation on Economic Trends, Author and Economist?
Building a Stronger & More Connected Nation
Intelligent Infrastructure is foundational to Building a Stronger and More Connected Nation. The focus is on large-scale public-private partnership projects and Intelligent Infrastructure Economic Zones.
As the world becomes more interconnected, Intelligent Infrastructures is th critical foundation for 21st-century solutions. The cost of building such infrastructures is a significant obstacle as is the requirement that dozens of technologies must work together seamlessly to make a community of any size connected and intelligent.?
Bruce Jette, retired Assistant SECDEF of Army Acquisitions, Logistics, and Technology articulates it well: ”Much like what we are finding in the military, we need a commercial variant of a smart infrastructure that is highly secure but upgradeable. And it needs to be modular in fashion so that a new module doesn’t require testing from stem to stern all over again.”?
The Autonomy Institute has aligned over 200 industry partners with the national buildout of the Intelligent Infrastructure that goes well beyond transportation and will be the "Brains of our Economy."
Intelligent Infrastructure Standards Include
Intelligent Infrastructure Enables Street Smarts
It is now time to stop bolting, strapping, and hanging 21st-century devices onto wood poles and deploy Intelligent Infrastructure, the roads of the 21st-century. Intelligent Infrastructure will provide the "Street Smart" via $100 million Privately funded Regional P3s.
IEEE Pioneering Smart City Technology Standards
Great article on making Smart Cities a Reality from Srikanth Chandrasekaran, IEEE Standards Association | IEEE SA ?
Smart City Information Communication Technology (ICT); Core systems include:
IEEE Ethically Aligned Design, “From Principles to Practice”
IEEE?Ethically Aligned Design, “From Principles to Practice”, provides a mapping of the conceptual framework of Ethically Aligned Design. The?IEEE?Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems - Prioritizing Human Well-being in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
IEEE?is a world leader in defining Industry Standards.?One of the oldest and most transformative standards was the 19" Rack developed by Bell Labs in 1922. Bell Labs transitioned many standards to Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA), then they moved under the Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) which?IEEE?is the United States partner.
Intelligent Infrastructure Enabled Industry 4.0
National sovereignty and global productivity will go to the nation that deploys the?INTELLIGENT INFRASTRUCTURE?enabling Industry 4.0.?Unleashing the largest productivity boom in world history and securing our national supply chain.
Trying to deploy autonomous systems without Intelligent infrastructure is like trying to build the internet without networks. Replacing our Carbon Based Brains with Silicon versions treats the symptoms, not the problems. The fundamental challenges of mobility are optimization, orchestration, reducing emissions, and addressing Vision Zero. The root challenges can only be addressed with Intelligent Infrastructure. Why does the United States have the safest and most optimized air space? The FAA systems of radars, transponders, beacons, antennas, GPS satellites, ground CORS, control towers, and weather systems.
美国德克萨斯A&M大学 Infrastructure Enabled Autonomy
Swaminathan Gopalswamy - Infrastructure Enabled Autonomy. Multiple studies have established the potential for significant societal, environmental and economic benefits from autonomous vehicles. However, all the current approaches to autonomous driving require the automotive manufacturers to shoulder the primary responsibility and liability associated with replacing human perception and decision-making with automation, slowing the penetration of autonomous vehicles, and consequently slowing the realization of the benefits of autonomous vehicles.?
Cortina Intelligent Infrastructure Corridor
Italy is getting "Street Smart" and deploying Intelligent Infrastructure, the Roads of the 21st Century. Saving lives, optimizing mobility, and providing advanced services. The 80 km SMART ROAD CORTINA, supporting the World Ski Championships. Cortina Corridor:?; Cortina Corridor Drive SS51:?
Infrastructure-Vehicle Cooperative Autonomous Driving (IVCAD)
Dr. Shaoshan Liu?is the founder/CEO of PerceptIn, Autonomous Mobile Clinics project lead at BeyonCa, and Asia Chair of IEEE Entrepreneurship
IVCAD Forbes Article, To summarize, China has made a bold investment in IVCAD projects, currently in the pilot stage in multiple cities. If this project is successful, similar to its predecessor, the HSR mega project, it may further fuel the internal economic growth of China. With a few adjustments to its infrastructure investment efforts, the U.S. can do the same.
The Business Case for Infrastructure-Vehicle Cooperative Autonomous Driving:
The Autonomy Institute(501c3)?is a government, industry, academia, and public alliance focused on accelerating the "Path to Commerce" for intelligent and autonomous systems. Over 200 organizations are engaged and supporting the policies, markets, jobs, and community benefits of autonomy to foster social and economic transformation.
Intelligent and Autonomous Infrastructure is the equivalent of the Eisenhower Interstate Highways. The Autonomy Institute collaborates with large infrastructure investors on the creation of $100+ million Public-Private Partnership programs. The intelligent infrastructure enables?the rapid and expansive deployment of rural broadband, NextG, edge computing, intelligent transportation systems, APNT, and smart grid devices. This infrastructure has substantial benefits to cities by?eliminating the digital divide and preparing communities?for Industry 4.0 solutions. The national deployment of this infrastructure will create millions of new jobs and generate billions in economic growth.
The Autonomy Institute is developing an "Autonomy Commerce Act" and an "All-Up" Autonomy program within the United States.
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