Intelligent Discovery | Identity Hygiene Live! | Episode 1

Intelligent Discovery | Identity Hygiene Live! | Episode 1

Intelligent Discovery is the focal point of this session, exploring its role within account entitlements and its significance in mitigating organizational risk. Rosario Mastrogiacomo, VP of Strategy and Solution Engineering at SPHERE , delves into the vital aspects of discovery implementation and its impact on organizational security and risk reduction.

Key Takeaways about leveraging Intelligent Discovery to protect your organization include:

  • Discovery is an active process to inventory and understand the assets in an organization’s environment, especially regarding identities and account entitlements.
  • Intelligent Discovery is more than just collecting raw data. It involves understanding ownership, account types, and applying relevant controls.
  • Remediation of discovered issues involves offloading operational risk to the owner and taking action to reduce risk.

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This session also features an interactive Q&A segment, providing listeners with the opportunity to address queries related to the topic.

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