Intelligent Data Management
- Eddy Leang -
Senior Sales Consultant | Business Development Expert | Marketing Innovation | Selling with Purpose, Delivering Value, Driving Results |
The world is flooded with facts and statistics that loaded with priceless value, we might not realize that until we do post analysis to view it, and those data will becoming information that are powerful and impact to the business world, or at least carry a lot of perspective that could transform an organization in a positive way.
In this current business era, we are facing 3 graves challenges, which are Criticality of Data, Growth of Data and Sprawl of Data.
We may not realize how significant is a tiny piece of data, example like puzzle; we can't see what it is when we look into 1 small tiny piece, but when we complete the puzzle, then only we can see the whole picture. In case we lost 1 small tiny piece, then the whole picture is incomplete. That's how crucial a data is.
Ever since the 1st day a business kick start, data is generating and collecting on daily basis, such as customers base, clients' detail, transactions and emails that flowing in and out, it is growing and spreading all around domestically and internationally. Would you think that Data management is important? And the next question is, how do we deal with these challenges?
Referring to the slides, I would say it is a maturity model of infrastructure, and I'm sure it is a journey that each and every organization will be experiencing.
I'll relate to 1 of the business model, let's say Haulier and transportation, they shall have their own stack of customer info to up keep. All these details is not only meant for reference, but also to study, keep track and respond upon all sort of business changes from time to time. Date are undeniable crucial, and we do our level best to protect our data, however, we can never know when disaster strike, and how severe the consequence could be, that's why we need to do backup, and do it as per standard market practice where we shall have 3 copies, storing in 2 medias and available at 1 offsite location. So in such a case, business owner assured that their data are well protected, or worse come to worse, able to recover if anything goes wrong.
Backup data is not only for business continuity, it is visible to monitoring business performance, and referring to statistic, we can find out a customer's consuming behaviors through out the years and especially during festival session, import and export ration maybe higher and eventfully trigger a higher demand for hauliers and drivers; with these data available and visible, business owner capable plan and fully utilize their resources to maximize their output.
Base on the facts that projected by data, business owner can activate all data and leverage it to improvise their business performance efficiency, as well as expending their business by figuring out potential business opportunity. Other than transporting services, they might considering to provide warehousing services, that makes an end-to-end storing and delivering transportation solution for clients, it's one of a potential business opportunity that worth to consider and evaluate.
All mentioned above are generally internal factors that mostly controllable and manageable. Yet, there are many factors and issues that are unpredictable and maybe completely unavoidable, such as vehicle down. Business owner got to have a contingency plan in place which is capable to run appropriate responds when issue strikes. It has to be well tested, workable and documented, to give their client a peace of mind.
When data pool is growing to a large scale, it's has obtain the highest stage of maturity model of infrastructure, whereby it's capable to seamlessly manage operation close to automated and self protected.
Today I'm just using 1 of the business nature as example, but it applies across all sort of business nature, especially there is such an advance technology available in the market nowadays, such as IoT, a device that available in hardware & software form, helping company to collect enormous amount of data, that's why Data Management is crucially important
There is a quote stated that: The world is going to be data, and we are now at the beginning age. It's quoted by Jack Ma. Apparently, he is having a similar vision like Veeam.
Veeam has the most complete and comprehensive Intelligent Data Management platform to answer demand in the market. This is truly that Veeam has the right product, at the right time, at the right place.