Intelligences 7 Amazing Wizards * Commonwealth Code of Kings
Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Ignorance linker?,
If you are a parent and want to prevent extinction
- test out these stories and if you believe them, do your bit to end maddening popularism in all its hate-ridden forms
Its pretty obvious that Neumann-Einstein-Turing experienced non-standard education. Wizard mathematicians tend to be home tutored up to age of 9 when they are as literate and numerate as many of us get. Their flows are personalised (so their innovation world impacts are unique) by age 18 they are transforming what postgraduates think let alone what standard professors certify - eg Einstein's 1905 publication of nature's unseen maths (failed every newtownian maths prof as soon as contextually you need to see nature's deepest survival rules and green abundancy. Instead of being thanked in their native and Jewish cultures, Neumann & Einstein were chased out by late 1920s disciples of Hitler & Stalin to go learn english and mathematically save the world out of Princeton in Einstein's case and all of US and London in Von Neumann's,
Along the way just as all the good maths they wanted to invent was replaced by world war's urgent test of winning the atom bomb race for the allies, they were inspired by a new grad for 18 months (over from London in Princeton 1937) who was inventing coding and intelligence engineering. Bravo Alan Turing.
By 1939 Einstein was too old to do new maths; Von Neumann tried but failed to get Turing a visa to stay in Princeton. So somehow they kept transatlantic exchanges going during the war and were left with 10 post war years to give humans brainworking and autonomous machines and champion new algorithms - neural networks is a 1940s ideology but it wasn't 2012 it opened up Artificial Intelligence to be the number 1 schools literacy .
AWKWARD - fortunately after about 100 people saw this breakthrough at Imagenet's 2012 world championships , both Melinda Gates and Jensen Huang were early learners- see how they helped li found AI-4-all education from 2014. If you didnt know curricula for kindergarten up of AI for all exist - click here to start. I recommend ai dancing to get any brain's first of AI. Of course if you live in a nation that regulates dancing, please don't visibly break the law
Probably it shouldn't surprise us in today's fragile state of civilisation to hear that a lot of what the NET intended people do with intelligence machines almost got almost completely lost. Enter 3 more extraordinary lifetimes. Aged 9 Jensen and his older brother were boated from Taiwan to 2 distant US relatives who boarded them in a cheap kentucky school which turned out to be borstal where 2 asian boys were weekly savaged by the resident children.
Jensen protected his imagination by living in some sort of harry potter world while learning english and engineering. I guess if you survive American Freedom's right of passage and the age of 9, everything else in life boosts your intelligence.
Fortunately his parents got to usa by his 13th year and found him a new education on pacific coast. Then the engineering lab of Oregon State he met Lori. Since 1993 this couple have built Nvidia a company which accelerated deep computing capacity even faster than moores law at its steepest, and provided space for the most extraordinary engineering games. Try them free (after registration) at Nvidia On demand. If you see a learning video that matters why not post it at bottom of this article. 8 years ago i attended a freedom of learning meet at UN NY. Not only has most of this been forgotten but 20 world leaders pleas to transform learning have been wiped. If American parents havent for the energy to free kids from fake examination classrooms, Orwell's big brothers will invade every mind.
I look around the communities of the world and see more work to be done than ever. Frankly those who say that due to AI humans are facing massive unemployment are either barking mad or deliberately designing a world in which more and more of the planet becomes unlivable Sadly a few always profit from wars while the rest of our families literally go to hell. Of course its your choice, but be very clear in King Charles English artificial = engineer (ie man-made not nature-made). If you do'nt want to linkin to celebrate very good engineers, thats you choice but dont blame the machines any more than you would blame you dog for the great tragegies we humans fail to prevent bad guys from trapping us in.
Among very best games playable today on nvidia brans boards are those climate and life science igame designs od hassabis and deepmind friends29 that have renewed the 100 year gap between where Einstein brain cells saw to value nature in 1905 and the dismal over-carbonied energy and blinkered world of carbon pharma .
And at levels accessible to any learning brain, may we thank Fei-Fei Li for daring to train computers to vision and be better at relating to human brains than academic psychologists. Then there is perhaps the strangest story of all. In 1946 a nine year old whose family were traders in Caclutta was returned by partition to a landlocked rural homeland of deep illiteracy. Somehow he graduated out at 13 got 2 years in high school in the capital dhaka before being sent to learn engineering and accountancy in Glasgow & London. He succeeded to get a year in Harvard and was recruited by Royal Dtrch Shell soon to be the regional ceo in his homeland east pakistan. Within 2 year a cyclone hit; this killed half a million people in the region where shell's infrastructure was all that survived. After 2 months in 1970 working with doctors to bury the dead and prevent cholera he was almost assassinated by his employer who ordered hi to join the pakistani army in re-establishing order. He escaped back to London, sold his flat, returned to newly independent bangladesh putting his live savings into rebuilding 15000 village homes in his homeland which the pakistani army had flattened. He trained village mothers in food and health community businesses (these microfranchises were very small - perhaps the rice to feed 50 neighboring families but they were always profitable - in rice's case because abed found 10 times more locally productive rice to distribute). Mothers had literally been starving in this penniless new nation 8th most populous in the world; infants were dying of dehydration. The community goals was to raise life expectancy from 40s to 60s. Fortunately his oral rehydation solution was needed by james grant at unicef who sponsored fazle abed's village mothers to start training 90% of the nations mothers all living in rural ares without electricity. Please stay grounded- whatever next miracle you see AI do, recall the intel needed for a billion mothers and a billion guys (the quarter at the bottom of pyramid to develop through peer to peer cooperation networking is the greatest transfomation i expect to see) Bravo Brother Abed
Between 1972-2000, over three quarters of successful human development in ending extreme poverty was related to the inteligence solution networks by abed's grasroots mothers. Steve Jobs family heard of this and hosted abed's 65th birthday wish party in silicon valley 2001. As well as the Jobs, the Yangs and Doerrs agreed to help twin stanford-linked engineers with abe'ds 65th birthday wish vrac university. Through the 2000s stanford culture became one i wish professors learnt as much from young women students as the students from professors. ioitech student daphne koller (cofounded moocs) being one example and she helped head hunt FeiFei li. The rest is the future opp of all every good human intel so to speak.
In a world where public servants get elected on soundbites, it seems left to the last few kings who care about generating their peoples continuing to generate to celebrate the greatest engineering intelligences for humanity now Join King Charles ai commonwealth AI series and hopefully its relay stops where other royals eg Japan's and Dutch serve parents and next generation not short-term speculators or noisy media
Have i been rude to anything you hold dea?. That's not my intent. My problem is I am a minor mathematician. I can see why 8 billion of o=us are uicky that the people I have described are there to multiply intelligence with you nad with the net's gifts to humanity. but its over to you to help scale mediating change through every local culture, if, that is, parenting and mother earth's natural goods are to return in time to save us all. This is probably the most exciting year to unlearn something and choose one of the first 100 experiments linking round Jensen Huang and all of the above, as well as a few other valley vets like the doerr family (funding stanford,s first new school in 70 years on climate) and condy rice and hewlett packard's and gordon moore's who were already turning chips into intelligence when my father penned The Economist's 1982 survey - why not silicon valley everywhere. Dad had been trained back in 1951 by the Net (Neumann Einstein Turing) with visits to priceton to dare weekly journalists to ask questions as opposite to conventional wisdom as possible. Hers's how the economist boardroom remembered him in 2010.
Postscript- Abed wasnt finished with his 65th birthday party. In 2016 his 80th birthday party was hosted which began un2.0 roadmapping - specifically jim kim, melinda gates, fei-fei li all helped write up UN2 roadmap endorsed by guterres , But then trump covid and awful wars came along - can the un find very good ai at unsummitfuture september 2024 - or forever after hold your peace.