Intelligence In The World Of Work
Intelligence In the World of Work

Intelligence In The World Of Work

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Judith Carmody

This month's newsletter is written by Judy Carmody Promoting Wellbeing, Preventing Bullying .

"Crystallized Intelligence refers to the ability to utilize skills and knowledge acquired via prior learning". J. L. Horn, (1967)

? Well Done! You are successful in your application for that new dream job, or maybe you are applying for your second job! You feel happy and YES, it should be the most exciting time in your life.

You have spent years in education and spent further years gaining qualification(s)and experience in your desired field.

As everybody knows, to achieve and be successful, it takes hard work, time and dedication. You committed yourself to education and achieved a degree or doctorate, it is only right then, that a good job and career is a pay-off and a well-deserved right.

But one day, a new manager starts and the dynamics change; there are gradual subtle changes in the work environment.

The change starts with demeaning remarks and you begin to doubt your gut instinct that something is not ―quite right until the feelings become regular and uncomfortable.

In your first job, you were lucky; you worked in a professional company with an ethical and inspiring company culture.

There was a clear and inclusive organisational structure. Your company recognised your talent, your potential and encouraged and inspired you to be the best version you could b.

You achieved what you wanted to achieve with the dedication you invested in your chosen career.

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A Place of Disengagement and Fear

"Coercive control is defined as ongoing psychological behaviour, rather than isolated or unconnected incidents, with the purpose of removing a victim's freedom”. Sophie Goddard (2018)
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You feel disengaged and in a place of fear, intimidation and confusion.

Your workplace changes from a culture of safety to an atmosphere of control, domination, oppression and dismissal.

Every day there is a power struggle trying to retain your position in a sustainable manner.

The new manager diminishes your role, ignores your work and liaises with a subordinate colleague for your area of expertise.

When you try and discuss your position, he/she tells you he/she ―is busy or ―I will get back to you soon.

So, time moves on, and you are fobbed off, ignored and invalidated. Your former role is no longer attainable, you feel isolated and diminished.

You report your concerns to your line manager as you believe this situation can be resolved but over time your fears are ignored.

There is an atmosphere of confusion and mixed messages. It becomes for you, a place where you feel you are not supported.

Your Position is no longer safe

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There are hints that your position is no longer safe.

Comments for example, ―why do you work so hard, take a tea break, or ―the only reason you got that job, is because you know Jack or ―there is no future for you her, or ―Mary can do that job better.

You begin to doubt your abilities and you no longer feel safe. The manager suggests you quit or transfer to a different department.

Demeaning Behaviour in the World of Work

Your line manager doesn’t communicate with you or include you in meetings. The hierarchy supports the line manager or has little interest in your welfare or survival. You inform other managers but your concerns fall on deaf ears.

Your trauma is invalidation by Management and HR. You are told to ―toughen up, or ― I find him/her alright, or ―stop playing the victim. There is no support for your coerced situation and management does not STEP UP and resolve this issue.

Your workplace becomes a place of personal crisis which questions your values, morals, trust and most of all your sanity.

You are caught in a very dangerous vulnerable position. Someone is manipulating the situation to suit and better themselves.

A coercive atmosphere and controlling behaviours are now in place. Coercive or controlling offences can be classed as similar to those experienced in domestic abuse and violence.

They are debilitating, underhanded and dangerous.

Final Words

So, the game begins, with little or no sympathy or support for the target. The target’s health, well-being and financial survival are under threat.

A target must develop self-empowering awareness skills if he/she is to survive in this underhand, devious and toxic environment.

People with psychological abusive behaviours behave in a very devious underhanded way to succeed at the expense and exploitation of a target(s)or anyone who gets in their way.

They have little or no thought for the target’s WELLBEING or Survival. Their obsession is to ―GET RID OF or DEMEAN THE TARGET.

Targets now must develop smarter skills -Interpersonal Intelligence in the World of Work and OUTSMART the bully.

Authors Biography:

Judith Carmody - Author - Personal Safety & Wellbeing

Judith is an International Consultant with exceptional knowledge on the dynamics of bullying behaviour. Judith is an Educator, Author, and Speaker.

Her books Co-Bully No More and Unwrap the Gift of YOU are based on her experiential knowledge and evidence-based research in this area.

She is an actively engaged advocate of Bullying Prevention, Conscious Leadership, Interpersonal Intelligence, Safety and Wellbeing in the Workplace.

For further information please visit her website


Goddard, S. (2018) Features Editor, Cosmopolitan, 10 ways to spot coercive control 10 ways to spot coercive control (

Horn, J.L. (1967) Intelligence—Why It Grows, Why it declines. Trans-action 5, 23–31 (1967).

Disclosure: Companies and individuals trying to grow their customer base or followers are always looking for creative ways to advertise. As more people use sponsored content, newsletters have grown into an increasingly popular method of advertising to use alongside traditional methods.

I may receive a commission for any purchases you make as a result of clicking a link.

If you're interested in writing an article for Life Science Perspective, please reach out to me on LinkedIn. Our audience is interested in new perspectives and insights on the World of Worx.

Jon Nugent

CoursWorx -

1 年

Thank all of you who have commented on Judy's article. Her article has resonated with so many people, myself included. Workplace bullying is harmful, targeted behavior that might be spiteful, offensive, mocking or intimidating. It forms a pattern, and it tends to be directed at one person or a few people. Hiring slowdowns, productivity, burnout and other trends that will shape your workplace in 2023 are addressed in Life Science Perspective. Don't forget to subscribe, if you haven't already. Jon

Judy Carmody Promoting Wellbeing, Preventing Bullying

Books for Peace International Award - MA Leadership in Workplace Health & Well-being Safeguarding Employees - Promoting Emotional Health ??Preventing Coercive Control Culture - Psychological Abuse ??

1 年

Jon Nugent Thanks for publishing ?? #psychologicalhealthandsafety #safety #mental #mensmentalhealth #authors #wellbeingatwork #wellbeing #mentalhealthawareness #health #bullying Nonye Tochi Aghanya MSc, FNP-C Dr. Subrina Jesmin (Arai) Ambassador Allana Folger Megan VanMeter, ATR-BC, LPC, LHMC, LPC-AT/S Jerry Carbo Jonathan Wilson LLB(Hons) BA(Hons) Dawn Marie Westmoreland HR/Leadership for Employers and Employees Dr. Harbeen Arora Rai Thays Cristina da Nóbrega Cunha MBA, INSEAD Jen Fraser, PhD Jon Nugent


