Intelligence, Knowledge and Wisdom
Regardless of how anyone may define Intelligence, Knowledge or Wisdom, in my experience they are three very different, but potentially complimentary things. To possess one does not automatically mean a person also possesses the other two.
I define Intelligence as the potential to assimilate and apply information. Remember I used the word potential. I firmly believe we are born with whatever level of intelligence we are ever going to possess. However not everybody makes best use of their inherent intelligence. It is up to each of us whether we use our intelligence to its full potential or waste nature’s gift.
Knowledge I define as information. We can accumulate a lot of information – facts and data, but unless we have a practical use for it, that data just takes up space in our memory. Someone can know a lot of things but still be pretty stupid. Collecting information makes one knowledgeable, and likely rather good at trivia games, but it does not necessarily make one wise.
Wisdom is what we should all strive for. I define wisdom as the positive application of knowledge. Someone who is wise makes best use of the information they have. It does not necessarily mean that they know a lot of things (i.e. have a lot of knowledge) but it does mean that what they do know is used in the best possible way to maximum effect.
Accepting these definitions, someone who is intelligent has the best opportunity to be knowledgeable and wise but only if they make use of their natural intelligence. Conversely, someone who is wise does not need to be of exceptional intelligence or of immense knowledge.
Intelligence is the opportunity, Knowledge is the tools and Wisdom is how we use the tools. We don’t all have the same opportunities in life nor the same tools readily available to us. We each do however, have the choice how we will use the tools that are available. Use them wisely.