Intellectual passion is a killer....
Zoe Bell ??????
The Alignment Wytch | Founder of The Mystics Temple | Wayshower | Author & Artist "For Those Ready to Remember Their Power" ~ Elevating Visionaries To SOAR ??
I will be blunt and honest here, this platform is a stage of ego performance, either way a platform of distraction. I share deep messages that many are not ready to feel into as it may be too much. I see inspirational messages & posts and then there are those to 'fill the emptiness or boredom' of the day. The surface level 'positivity' keeping souls afloat from drowning int their own unconscious BS. The REAL life behind the scenes, living a lie. The chasing to get the next business connection and we have lost the deep human connections. Intellect is over-analysing everything, for many unaware of the daily fear response they live in.. when you are numb in it, you will not have the awareness. It takes daily diligence with self-love/respect to de-frost and re-wire body-mind. This is way beyond going to the gym 5 days a week!
Many choosing mindless BS over realness of life? Is it too close to home? What will their co-workers think? Yet, behind closed doors there is a blame-shame and guilt syndrome, and hiding their sensual desires and pretending that their life and relationships are fantastic.
I see this from a stance of neutrality and it was what I was trapped within for a time before now. The over-analysis of the left brain of rightness or wrongness, so bound in their own insidious games of lack of awareness. The keeping up appearances to be something, the performance and posturing of the ego, all to give an impression.
I see half-heartedly opening of hearts infused with intellectual passion and this is DESTROYING a natural sensual free expression. There is much NOISE of how this can help, fix and create a solution and there is a massive aspect missing. I feel many will be ready, and are sitting on the fence. The point of not knowing, and high-jacked in doubt, and unable to take that leap into the unknown. Welcome to the FEAR of humanity, it is everywhere!
Sensuality is our wholeness - yes, our free expression minus the intellect of the mind.
The deepest soul surrender is into the darkness, the unknown. All to be experienced in safe exploration. The journey is to feel into the unknown, and thaw the years and lifetimes of numbness. It is not the easy path, yet it is the path to ultimate freedom.
I feel we are transversing through a massive leap in consciousness where each soul will have to begin utilising their own INNER Knowing and intuitive wise intellect beyond the 'hooks of marketing'. This is the next level many are ready for and it is not being provided. This requires leaders that can navigate the higher planes of consciousness and the density consciousness that most are stuck within. This requires taking a leap in full trust from souls that have transversed this path and are guiding others back to self. This is beyond the ra-ra hype of false posturing, this is the real, raw and transparent path. I am a bridge between the physical and the spiritual realm, as well as the masculine and the feminine forces/sides.
To leap, one requires foundations. These are vital for any transformation beyond the hype or the next solution. You cannot chase success or enlightenment until the inner work and foundations are set. You may achieve not for a while and then it is gone.
Sensuality is directly linked to CREATIVE EXPRESSION.
This is sensuality is full IMPACT.
Most are unaware how to access these depths, they think they know as they view sensuality as being about SEX. It goes to reveal where most minds are at?
"Intellectual passion dives out sensuality" Leonardo de Vinci
The intellect asks WHY, and seeks validation to prove its rightness and will sit in safety until it is proven. The raw sensuality of intuitive wisdom is getting ignored, and not being trusted. Many thought-leaders in this space bound by intellect and scientific studies that expanding into higher states id being hindered by the intellect and proof. Is not life and living the highest vibration and in a sate of joy not enough proof? With the willingness ad curiosity to continue to leap and explore the unknown as the explorer of self?
Think about this for a while.
Spend more time listening instead of talking. You'll be amazed at what you will learn. Listen to the messages from within, yes, in the silence, a conversation with your highest self. There is a raw realm of sensuality beyond the spoken word, the blind opinion and the need to have the last word. There is a next level that requires a NEXT level INNER intellect to feel your way in;
This inner intellect is available to us all, and is unlocked through attending diligently to the stable foundations, it will reveal when you are ready to receive and does not respond to external force. From being willing to live life in raw vulnerability and honesty, face our fears we attain wisdom, deep inner-knowing and trusting when to pause and when to respond. This requires the eloquence of judiciousness allowing clarity to reveal. This is the next level many business owners are seeking for, yet they are still stuck in chasing the next goal, and oblivious to the magic!
Sensuality is life, it is the life-force. and yes, we each can learn to access the force.
This posturing of pretending or saying you are authentic is keeping you bound in your own illusion and there is a realm beyond that is greater than who you think you are. In the end this will be gone and there is more to explore into the unknown. I will soon be releasing a snap shot view of a 6-step by step process to shift into higher states of consciousness. I am here to guide souls how to feel again and transcend the unconscious numbness as this is where deep inner healing as a collective begins.
I am far from perfect, and each day I let go and dive deep into the unknown, which reveals a fresh offering of creativity and the raw juice of the sensual soul. Let go of the concept of a goal being a destination, and see this as an investment in the next transcendence of all aspects of your next level EPIC life.
I did not go through all I transcended, transmuted and transformed to play small.
I chose it all.
Until the density (heaviness of the 3D consciousness) is cleared then getting to higher states of 5D consciousness and way beyond, is all an illusion you read or hear about. Many are sprouting words or verse they have read in a book and YET have not been shown how to directly ACCESS these transcendence states. Either that or these gurus are DEAD, and new wisdom is revealing.
Are you NOW ready to explore these higher consciousness states?
As we came back to learn how to connect on a much deeper level than this.
#Relationship #Consciousness #Nextlevel #Business #CreativeExpression #Awareness #StopPretending #RawTruth #SoulRemembrance #Intellect #Intuition #Sensuality
Magnetricity/Technology / Invention !
5 年Within my posts . Is the true physics symmetry astronomy and medicine. ELECTRICITY is a byproduct Our DNA models our actual solar system not a god or demon. We are living pharmacies Wo men Fe male Hu male Are porn ...discribing a male dominance We are equal opposites . We are all Earthings Not humans
Magnetricity/Technology / Invention !
5 年We are taught massive lies hidden behind egos that refuse to except the fact that there wrong . All Rasium and sexism stems from broken symmetry between religion and modern physics . Both broken Using only light and reflection as if shadow and dark do not exist. When we stand outside and our bodys block the suns light is no different then earth blocking the suns light and its ref on nights of our crescent moons . True symmetry is light reflection shadow dark . Equal opposites . Not the strong and weak.
Magnetricity/Technology / Invention !
5 年I invite you all to a view of a actual true physics ELECTRICITY is only a byproduct as is its physics .
Owner/ at Relaxezvous Remedial Massage -Torquay
5 年??
CFO Finance HR and Procurement Leisung Technologies LLC
5 年Great Zoe