Jan ?kopík
Spolumajitel spole?nosti AROJA XORFEX s.r.o. | Lídr ve vyvoji pr?myslovych tiskovych stroj?
Applied to various production process, provide optimized solutions with a variety of lineups.
??#Welding?Cobot - With end?#welding?tools, integrating a variety of welding processes, applying flexible?#programming-free?#technology?to help novices get started quickly, versatile welding requirements, and reduce the cost of?#manpower?training and labor for enterprises.
??#Palletizing?Cobot - Nowadays, many factories and plants utilize palletizing robots to automate their processes, improving productivity and profitability while allowing for longer?#production?runs.
Extend your time and space, liberate complex and inefficient repetition, and let you embrace a wider horizon. In the future, you will see FAIRINO EVERYWHERE
??#Pick?& Place Cobot - In the era of Industry 4.0, more and more?#companies?are applying?#automation?#technology?to their production lines: cobots help to realize human-robot collaborating works, tackling the difficulties of enterprises in recruiting workers.
??#Moxibustion?Cobot - Weaknesses of traditional?#moxibustion, such as smoke pollution from moxibustion stick, lacking of?#professional?therapists and uneven level of?#technicians, and the safety hazards caused by human operation, have restricted the further development of moxibustion.
??#Rehabilitation?Cobot - The?#medical?industry relies heavily on people, and the quality of current practitioners varies, causing people to be dissatisfied with the existing differentiated?#health?needs, and turn to look for more automated, information-based, and able to adapt to the needs of?#multiple?aspects of the recreation and physical therapy synergistic health solutions.
Solution Overview
Based on enterprise IT&OT data, combined with FR+ platform data aggregation, we continue to build an industrial Internet platform to help industrial AI+, regional industrial Internet
Let's share our cobots with your colleagues and talk about it.. :)