Integrityjobs / Integrity Technical Services, Inc. - Ready Willing and Able to Fill Your Open Positions!
Integrityjobs / Integrity Technical Services, Inc. - Ready Willing and Able to Fill Your Open Positions Utilizing Our Experienced Recruiters. No matter the position, we will expend 100 percent of our effort to find the right candidate...
Getting Back to Work - We have Run into a Problem Recently and we are asking for some suggestions.
***Have had a handfull of qualified candidates refuse to accept offers. We have heard this from other Staffing Firms. The common theme is that these few feel that why work when you can make more on unemployment due to the generosity of the Government's $600.00 on top of the State unemployment. - What the heck were you thinking in Washington? We are hoping that this will not become a bigger problem but frankly it cost us a placement fee.
Math Time: $600.00 X 26,000,000 people = $15.6 Billion a week. Okay, If I have a Job Offer and you refuse to accept it, then what? It does not seem right at all???
Employers, if anyone else has had this happen we would like to hear from you.
Thank you, John O'Neil - Vice President
JOB SEEKERS - We will post our newest jobs later this evening!
Equal Opportunity Employer-Discrimination is Illegal-All are WELCOME to Apply-Hire a Veteran Today!
Integrityjobs / Integrity Technical Services, Inc. - Ready Willing and Able to Fill Your Open Positions!
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