This week we are going to talk about INTEGRITY…and whether or not you know there's another DEFINITION of the word?
We're not going to talk about the one that has to do with 'being honest.' We're going to talk about the one that means "the state of being whole and undivided."
When we focus on the definition of
honesty, and 'whether we are morally good,' or, if we always 'do the RIGHT thing,' we can start to run stories about our worthiness, and our value. Or, we can trigger the shame/blame game. Or we can start comparing ourselves to others, calling on that mental list we all have of those people in our life who have it "better" or "are better" than us.
Well, guess what: you can be imperfect AND have integrity.
If you operate from (or only know about) the dualistic good/bad are setting yourself up.
ALL the spokes of a wheel are integral to the strength of the wheel. If one is broken or damaged- the wheel can still operate but it's going to need to be fixed- in order to maintain integrity.
If you can operate from this meaning, where all of your parts are integral to YOUR strength, to your being, and to the WHO that you really are...instead of from good/bad...then you can approach your issues by saying 'What's throwing me out?' instead of, 'What's WRONG with me?'
Approaching our healing in this way is holistic and integral, productive and kinder.
How would your life be different if you could find the balance of being in your integrity?