Integrity and Intentions
by Dwayne Phillips
Integrity is doing what you say you will do. Sometimes things happen that block intentions. This becomes tricky quickly.
Day 1: We will release our information to you on day 15.
Day 30: We intended to release our information to you on day 15, but, ya’ know, uh. We will release our information on day 45.
Day 60: Well, ya’ know, things happen, and …
We had the best of intentions to do something as we promised to do. Well, sometimes things happen and what we intend to do…well, we sort of, ya’ know, can’t do, so we’ll promise something else and, well, ya’ know…well things happen.
Nope. Integrity is doing what we say we will do. If necessary, state what might interrupt intentions before stating intentions. Do what we say we will do. If we don’t, we lack integrity and are no better than liars and thieves. Yes, not doing what we say robs someone of something. Thievery.
We can do better.