Integrity is Everything
We made a
Big Hoopla
When the
Cyrus Cylinder
Was showcased
A tiny little
Earthen cylinder
But on it was inscribed
A very?simple
But a potent
Powerful electrifying message
No matter how educated
Talented rich or cool
One believes one is
How one treats people
Ultimately tells all
As Integrity is everything!
We may be of
Any colour caste or creed
By "flashing one's credit card"
Doesn't secure one a "Seat"
He cares not for the
Earthly wealth one holds
But how many "Plus Points"
In one's Gareban one holds
Last but not the least:
Never Judge someone by
The opinion of others
This brings me to the conclusion
(if I may repeat):
Rumours are spread by Haters
Spread by Fools
Accepted by Idiots
If one wants respect then one
should give respect
No wonder the humbandagi was
An Utter Failure!!!!
Lastly No human is perfect whether He be an Vada Ervad Behdin
Choicest Blessings