Integrity Code 4 Investors
As an Start-up entrepreneur I have wroten many proposals to larger organisations, and also did some pitching, most often with powerpoint presentations.
I love the whole hype around startups, however I believe that not all investors have enough integrity. By the way this not only goes for investors but also for organisations that aim to work with start-ups and entrepreneurs, take goverment organisations for example.
What I have experienced from Investors and potential clients are things like "ghosting" and not giving honest feedback. I had conversations with another entrepreneur the other days and I hear other entrepreneurs complain about this a lot.
Even when you don't expect it, even organisations that claim to be all about supporting start ups, can behave quite amateuristic. Often people in the jury or on a decission making position have none to very little entrepreneurial experience themselves.
To think in solutions however, I think it would be a great idea if investors sign a code of integrity, with at least providing rational feedback, using a feedback form. I will include a poll to see if people agree.
I was reading an article the other day about how entrepreneurs do often not get enough respect and validation and I can totally agree on that article. It takes time, energy and effort to make these proposals, so to fill in an objective feedback form seems like a decent amount of respect that every Investor should bring up.
Examples of criteria for proposals:
Let me know your thoughts. Out of respect (even though it is not always been that mutual) I will not mention any names or companies.