Integrative Psychotherapies Webinar
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Integrative Psychotherapies- New Paradigms in Psychotherapy Gotowebinar (online)
Date: 27 Oct 2017 2:00 PM UTC-03:00
Integrative Psychotherapies have been evolving since 1976 and have been slowly gaining acceptance in the field. Integrative psychotherapies differ from Insight or Talk therapies in that they focus on the integration of past traumas. These therapies are based on basic functions of the brain and share several unique features, such as rapid resolution of trauma, often in a single session.
Learning Objectives:
Participants in this training will receive an introduction to the shared principles underlying emerging psychotherapies such as Traumatic Incident Reduction, Thought Field Therapy, Emotional Freedom Techniques and Eye Movement Reprocessing and Desensitization.
(1) Participants will gain an understanding of the McLean/Papez Triune Brain Theory, it's relationship to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and how the brain integrates experience
(2) Participants will gain an understanding of the function of the right and left hemispheres of the brain and how dreams integrate experience during sleep.
(3) Participants will gain an understanding of how stress and trauma interfere with the proper integration of memory and result in symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
(4) Participants will learn how a False Self develops based on unintegrated traumatic experiences.
Participants will learn how Integrative Therapies utilize the natural processes of the brain to resolve traumas and disassemble the False Self.CE Broker Tracking #: 20-548609
About the Presenter:
Matthew Fox, LMHC, CAP has twenty years of experience in the mental health field, specializing in the treatment of addictions and trauma. He has conducted professional trainings in the US, Europe and Australia. His primary interests include integrative therapies, neuropsychology and family systems. He has been employed as a licensed clinician at BayCare Behavioral Health since 2004 and maintains a small private practice.
More information and online registration:
Integrative Psychotherapies- New Paradigms in Psychotherapy