Integrative Holistic Coaching for all Aspects of Life
Sukhayu Wellness
We promote all aspects of well-being & provide holistic wellness initiatives for individuals, groups, and organizations.
At Sukhayu Wellness, we practice a uniquely integrative and holistic model of coaching for all aspects of life.
What is integrative holistic coaching?
The key terms in this coaching model are:
“Integrative” - refers to working with/combining multiple modalities. We use various universal and evidence-based approaches, integrating mind-body techniques, imagery, yoga, Ayurveda and more. Multiple ways of being and knowing; multiple ways of accessing inner wisdom.?
“Holistic” - looking at the individual as a whole; encompasses all domains of our existence: physical, mental, spiritual, and social. Holistic coaching takes an expansive view of the self, which is what makes it so powerful.
Integrative Approaches
These integrated approaches are all essentially mind-body techniques, which allow us to let go and unwind.
These include, but are not limited to:
Mind-body techniques help us overcome our “fight or flight” stress response, stimulating an active relaxation response throughout our entire mind-body complex. This results in enhanced self-awareness, concentration, and access to our own inner wisdom.
We all know that when we are stressed, it’s common to develop tunnel vision and lose sight of the big picture.?Imagine you’re a train conductor on the New York City subway, and all you see in front of you are the lights on the track. Integrating mind-body techniques expands your awareness and enables you to see beyond the track in front of you, beyond the tunnel itself, so that you are now able to visualize the grass and teeming life above you, the sky, and ultimately, the entire Cosmos. In practicing these techniques, you nurture your unlimited potential.?
Interested in learning more?
We specialize in health, wellness, physician, career, and life coaching.
Contact us to schedule your integrative holistic coaching session today.
Further reading: