Integrations: A Critical Component of Digital Transformation Success or an Afterthought?
Sameer Patel
Digital Transformation Leader, Advisor, Supply Chain Expert, Board member, Change Maker
Digital transformation has become a cornerstone for organizations aiming to remain competitive in the modern marketplace. At its core, digital transformation is not just about adopting new technologies but about creating AND connecting a cohesive ecosystem that aligns people, processes, and tools. So often when business leaders plan digital transformation projects the focus tends to be on transforming applications or capabilities with integration being a secondary or tertiary priority. This should not be the case. The decision regarding integration can unlock significant value but also carries much risk. Understanding the need for integration will help teams determine the priority they will play in the success of any transformation project.
Three Critical Considerations for Integration in Digital Transformation
When Integration May Not Be Critical
While integration is often a pivotal component of digital transformation, there are instances where it might not play a significant role:
Final Thoughts
Integration is often the backbone of successful digital transformations, bridging the gap between new and existing systems while unlocking the full potential of an organization’s data. However, understanding when it is and isn’t necessary can help organizations allocate resources effectively. By thoughtfully considering integration needs, transformation leaders can design their strategies to ensure that they are both efficient and impactful.
****All views expressed here are 100% my own and do not represent the opinions of any entity whatsoever with which I have been, am now, or will be affiliated****