Stacc Escali - Treasury & Portfolio Management
Simplify your portfolio management and treasury operations!
We have now lauched a new integration for Nordnet customers!
Are you using Nordnet as your broker? Would you like to automatically import your transactions into Escali Financials?
Through our new integration with Nordnet, we can now import all your market transactions done through Nordnet. Additionally, we can import dividends, stock splits, and reverse splits.
While we have supported "import and interpretation of contract notes" for over 30 brokers for several years, the challenge has been that Nordnet does not send contract notes via email for interpretation. We now have a collaboration with Nordnet, and can offer a direct integration with them.
What does the integration do?
In the near future, we plan to expand the integration to include support for importing derivative trading and other market data.
What are the benefits for you?
For more information about the Nordnet integration, please contact [email protected] (Phone: +47 92 86 83 44) or [email protected].