Integration of Maven and Mocha Test Suite
Ganesha Swaroop B
|17+ yrs exp Software Testing|Author| Mentor|Staff SDET|Technical Writer|Technology Reasearcher|Java|Pytest|Python|Allure|ExtentReports|BDD|Jenkins|SME|Self Taught Data Science and ML Engineer
Install the required dependencies:
npm install mocha mocha-awesome mocha-junit-reporter selenium-webdriver
Create a directory structure for your project:
- project
?- src
??- test
???- java
???- resources
????- chromedriver.exe
?- pom.xml
Create a Mocha test suite file MyTestSuite.js:
const assert = require('assert');
const { Builder, By, Key, until } = require('selenium-webdriver');
describe('My Test Suite', function() {
?let driver;
?before(async function() {
??driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
?after(async function() {
??await driver.quit();
?it('Test 1: Verify Title', async function() {
??await driver.get('');
??const title = await driver.getTitle();
??assert.strictEqual(title, 'Example Domain');
?it('Test 2: Verify Login', async function() {
??await driver.get('');
??await driver.findElement('username')).sendKeys('testuser');
??await driver.findElement('password')).sendKeys('password');
??await driver.findElement('loginButton')).click();
??const welcomeMessage = await driver.findElement('welcomeMessage')).getText();
??assert.strictEqual(welcomeMessage, 'Welcome, testuser!');
?it('Test 3: Verify Search', async function() {
??await driver.get('');
??await driver.findElement('searchInput')).sendKeys('example');
??await driver.findElement('searchButton')).click();
??const searchResults = await driver.findElement('searchResults')).getText();
??assert.strictEqual(searchResults, 'Showing results for: example');
How to execute the above from pom.xml file
To execute the above Mocha test suite from the pom.xml file using Maven, you can use the maven-surefire-plugin and configure it to run the Mocha tests. Here's an updated version of the pom.xml file:
??<!-- Add Selenium and Mocha dependencies -->
???<!-- Configure the Maven Surefire Plugin to run Mocha tests -->
With this configuration, Maven will look for JavaScript test files with the pattern *TestSuite.js in the src/test/java directory. It will execute these Mocha tests during the test phase.
To run the tests using Maven, you can execute the following command:
mvn test
Maven will then execute the Mocha tests defined in the MyTestSuite.js file using the specified mocha-awesome reporter, and generate the test report in the desired format.
Try this and let me know if this works!!!!